Transformation Tuesday in Reverse

I'm part of a weight loss group on Facebook, and I am literally bombarded with posts containing TransformationTuesday photos of women who went from overweight to slim. They're wonderful, don't get me wrong. Good for them. Most are women who gained weight after having kids. I understand. I did it too. What gets me, though, is that I've already done that transformation. One year after I had my daughter I was already smaller than I was BEFORE I had her. A few years ago was when I had my negative transformation. I went from fab to flab. So, for my TransformationTuesday I want to share a collage that shows my downward spiral. Seeing how I changed makes it real, and if it's real, it can be changed. That's my motivation. Hopefully, I'll soon have a different kind of TransformationTuesday pic to motivate me, but for now, this is where I'm at. Kind of like when you go to AA and the first step is admitting you have a problem (not that I've been to AA, but you get my drift).

Hello. My name is Crystal and I'm overweight.



  • healthygreek
    healthygreek Posts: 2,137 Member
    Hello Crystal, you are on your way back to fab!
    You can do it and I'm looking forward to seeing your new photo!
    I went from 185 back down to 125 and it is so worth it!
    You will feel like a new woman.
    You got this!
  • Olivia174nicole
    Olivia174nicole Posts: 15 Member
    I love the transformation in reverse! People never see it that way!

    You are on the right track though and you just got to keep pushing yourself to achieve your goal! You can do it :)