
Just getting off my *kitten* and going to re-commit to losing weight again. I lost 15 pounds fairly easily and quickly 2 years ago through a pretty strict Diet and using the Insanity DVD programs. Hey it worked. Life and lack of self-discipline made it so that I gained almost 100% of that back. Jumping back on the horse. I actually liked the prospect of having to buy a new wardrobe because I had lost enough weight. So here I go again. I am not that great about signing into things like this, but I will be in and out and hopefully updating my status.

Also, no I am NOT interested in Crossfit, Advocare, or joining your BeachBody team and purchasing their supplements though you. Sorry to sound rude, but I have had an account on a site like this before and got REALLY tired of getting hit up to buy crap that I don't want or being told of the latest 24 day challenge by a Multi-Level Martketing scam company. Just sayin.