Ladies, That Time of the Month?



  • Teresa150
    Teresa150 Posts: 23 Member
    My weakness would have to be Nachos.
  • PJPrimrose
    PJPrimrose Posts: 916 Member
    Dark chocolate. I keep it on hand. I double make sure I have some on hand when it's that TOM. I don't get weepy. I get tired and cranky pants in a scary way. The men in my house avoid me like I'm contagious. Not having chocolate is bad, very bad.

    I read mixing an OTC anti-spasmodic (anti-diarrhea) with a pain inhibitor (ibuprofen) will help with pain and cramping. It works for me but you can ask your GYN. I also drink extra tea, keep my workouts mild, and will take a nap if I can. Working out makes my cycle shorter, closer together, not as "bloaty" and I'm slightly less *****y.
  • KJ14
    KJ14 Posts: 287
    Chocolate. Definitely chocolate!!!