P90x, is it good? safe?

Hey guys,

Have you guys done or tried the p90x? Is it any good or safe? I haven't been working out, but I've been eating healthy. I'm trying to see if I can loose 10-20 more lbs and tone down. I have some loose fat I want to get rid of. Would the p90x work for me if I stick to it, or should I go another route? I feel like if I go to the gym I'm playing the guessing game where I don't really know what I'm doing. I want to be have a plan and stick to it strictly, so I can get the results that I want. I don't want to be a body builder, but just have toned skin.

Thanks for your input friends :)


  • Brady_
    Brady_ Posts: 108 Member
    as far as i know its healthy, i am starting tomorrow hopefully..feel free to add me :) i think itd be a good way to loose those couple extra pounds n tone up! lets do it!:smile:
  • edorice
    edorice Posts: 4,519 Member
    If you're a beginner then it would be best of you started with Power 90 by the same company. Power 90 is a precursor to P90X (Power 90 Extreme).
  • chrische
    I am an extremely obese person and I enjoy P90X. I can't do half of the moves, but I lost 20 pounds and 13 inches in the first 90 days. I'm a third of the way through my second 90 days and I'm down another 13 pounds and 5 inches. If you're a more fit person, I'm sure you'll have even faster results. I have a bad knee and I just work around it. It's a fun program with a lot of different workouts so it doesn't get old. Hope you enjoy it as much as I do.:happy:
    There is a lean version of the program so you will tone and not bulk up.
  • gunnarpalm
    gunnarpalm Posts: 59 Member
    I sent you an email regarding your post. P90X is safe and will deliver results.
  • leah33
    leah33 Posts: 16
    Well, it's hardcore!!! I started on the Arm workout and really...really I had a hard time lifting my arm to wipe my own....well you get the idea!!! My toothbrush was HEAVY the next day!!! But take it easy and don't do too much and it's a GREAT workout and way to tone up! I have personally seen lots of success with it...before I gave up! My husband was lookin' good after a month of doing it, but he's military and is in and out of town, so had a hard time finishing the program. Several friends have had great results too.

    One thing that's hilarious...in the plyo workout, Tony goes, "Come on, you guys, you can do this workout! You all have two legs!" Only, there is a guy in the video who, in fact, does not have two legs! He has a prosthetic. I always forget to look at his face when Tony says it! Too funny!!!
  • Lyadeia
    Lyadeia Posts: 4,603 Member
    I love P90X and have done it multiple times. As long as you use the correct form and do not try to push past your personal limits, you will be fine and it is safe. :)
  • binkyb00
    binkyb00 Posts: 81 Member
    I think I might try it, but here is another question. Do I need to get all the equipment at once? They are kind of expensive to buy all at once.
  • Lyadeia
    Lyadeia Posts: 4,603 Member
    You need to have something to do pull-ups or to use a resistance band with to do lat pulldowns. You can get away with getting a good set of resistance bands instead of weights and a pull-up to start with. I would also consider a yoga mat as well. You can actually get those items from Wal-Mart cheaper than what Beachbody sells you.

    You also don't really need any of the supplements or the recovery drink that Beachbody sells as long as you are eating a well balanced diet. You can make your own recovery drink instead which is cheaper as well.