Interesting Article


This article discusses the findings that 30,000 years ago, early folk were making bread. It goes on to say that this may be a shake-up to the followers of so-called "caveman" diets. (since the claim is early humans didn't eat grain products)

What do you guys think?


  • TaraMaria
    TaraMaria Posts: 1,975
    My husband is CONSTANTLY telling me this. He has done tons of research regarding this and always brings it up whenever I try to go "atkins" on him. He says that too much of anything is good but cutting out all bread is bad since it has been around since the beginning of man!

    This is just the "Floyd" take on things! Not any sort of actual factorial take! :o)
  • msbanana
    msbanana Posts: 793 Member
    Not to get into it too much BUT I've done a little research on the Paleo or "caveman" diets and one of the components is where in the world you're from. Some of them look at blood types etc to see what kind of foods your body's better at processing. I personally CAN'T eat grain. I'm allergic in a very unpleasant way to wheat barley rye and most other related things... I'm also allergic to a lot of tubers soooooo I've taken to a more "Paleo" style diet REDUCING refined sugar and grain based products (I've not eliminated them entirely- I would if I could eat nuts). That said, It's worked for me- it doesn't work for everybody... I say- do your research and see what makes your body feel good. If you can handle bread and manage your simple carb intake eat up! In fact have a bagel with lox for me I miss them soooooo much! :drinker:
  • LuckyLeprechaun
    LuckyLeprechaun Posts: 6,296 Member
    I think that if someone is allergic, that's a very different thing than purposefully eliminating a group of foods just because you imagine the cavemen lived that way. I've debated this a lot on the boards, and to each their own, but I believe strongly in balanced diets being an important part of healthy living. Of course, being allergic is separate, and you have to respect your body for what it can or cannot handle...:flowerforyou:
  • Lyadeia
    Lyadeia Posts: 4,603 Member
    I don't necessarily buy into the whole caveman diet thing for reasons that I am not allowed to discuss on this website. :flowerforyou:

    But I will say that I am more satisfied, feel more full, have less cravings, and feel great when I have all macronutrients in a decent balance...meaning not too much or too little of anything.
  • Beebee78
    Beebee78 Posts: 703
    We follow the paleo way of eating, 6 days a week in our house, but my husband eats bread every day - if we make it ourselves from organic products I don't see the problem as surely cavemen could have feasibly made flour etc!

    Personally I don't eat bread - I've never really liked it much and it doesn't really agree with me.

  • ColoradoClyde
    I'm neither for or against the paleo diet, although I think the general idea of cutting down on sugar and refined grains is a good one. But I would point out that I don't actually think 30,000 years is all that long in evolutionary terms, so this finding doesn't really change the argument one way or the other.