How to correctly count excerise?

So when I am counting at the moment, and say I do sit ups, push ups, etc from 8pm to 9pm, should I could that as 60 minutes of vigorous calisthenics, or should I count that as like maybe 45 minutes, due to rests and stuff? I don't want to over estimate my burned calories.


  • hkristine1
    hkristine1 Posts: 950 Member
    My gym posts on its website that a person generally burns 4-6 calories per minute doing light exercise; 6-8 calories per minute at moderate exercise; and 8-10 minutes at high intensity (like, out of breath intense). I think it is probably physically impossible to keep that intensity for more than short bursts at a time. If I was estimating calories burned based on actual activity as you have described, I would likely do 45 minutes at 7 calories per minute, or 315 calories.

    I would try really hard to be accurate with how much time I was resting, etc.

    I have found that estimating calories in this way is just way too complicated. But I also want to add in SOME calories from exercise. I have taken to simply logging 100 calories for every 30 minutes of intentional exercise, irrespective of the intensity of the exercise. So, for slow walking, I'm probably over-estimating a bit BUT most of my exercise is pretty intense, so I know I'm underestimating.

    That way, if I get to the end of the day and really want a cookie but am out of calories, I can still have it and be in a deficit, even though it looks like I'm over-eating. I try not to overeat my calories, but I like the "wiggle room" that my method of calculating exercise calories gives me. It works for me.

    ETA: when I am doing strength training at the gym, I go from exercise to exercise without a real rest in between (e.g. I don't do a set and then rest and then a second set... rather, I do a set of 1 kind of exercise, then immediately do a set of something else, and then come back to the first thing I was doing for a second set, and then do a second set of the thing I had done second), but I know I'm not exercising constantly during the time, as I walk from station to station, adjust the equipment, reposition my body, etc. Nevertheless, because I don't actually "rest" during the exercises, I count the whole time as exercising. IF I was resting for 30 seconds between sets, or something, I would subtract that time out of my workout minutes.
  • tatd_820
    tatd_820 Posts: 573 Member
    I found a formula a long time ago for when lifting weights and it's what I use to calculate. This factors in rest periods. Now, that means standing around chatting with means workout, quick break, workout, quick break.....

    Multiply your weight by minutes and then multiply that by .039.

    So for me..... 30mins of lifting x 165lbs = 4,950 x .039 = 193 calories

    Wish I could link you to the formula that I found...but it was a while ago. Something I've used for a guide and guestimate since.