The fitness training gross body guide

I'm starting this thread because I don't really see too many threads (none) on the things we all experience in the gym but don't like to talk about...the gross side of our wonderful, capable bodies. Feel free to post your questions or advice to this thread. I'll get us started!

So, today's cringe-worthy topic is calluses! They're important and we all have them to help protect our skin from repetitive motions and friction. I have several cross-fit friends who like to post pictures when they rip them open (eww) ... But I've recently gotten back into the swing of weight lifting. I usually do around 140-210 reps on my strength days, and I have found that my calluses on my palms burn...and I do wear gloves. Anyone have any remedies? Please share your weight lifting / body stories if you feel like it.

I hope this is fun, informative and stays respectful!