Eating the rainbow!

A great way to motivate yourself to eat a lot of different fruits and vegetables is to take the challenge to eat the rainbow every day. Here is this challenge:

Every day:
1. Eat as much of the rainbow as you can. 5 colours: Red, Purple/Blue, Orange/Yellow, Green, Brown/White
2. Track which colours you head, for example on, a whiteboard, piece of paper and/or this thread
3. If you post here, you can use this format:

Today I ate:
Red - ...
Purple/Blue - ...
Orange/Yellow - ...
Green - ...
Brown/White ...

Prepare yourself now:
1. Learn about which colours you need, which foods are included (
2. Which foods do you already eat about every day? Which foods do you miss?
3. Decide which vegetables and fruits you like to keep eating/add and make a shopping list which you can use every time you go to the supermarket (it's best if you have multiple options for every colour so you eat even more varied)
4. Put this shopping list in your wallet so you have it with you always.
5. Tracking a new habit for a while is a good idea in general, so choose the best way to do this (see Every Day point 2).
6. And of course introduce yourself and your goals here! :)

My personal introduction:
I want to eat more varied, which is why I challenge myself to do this. I like how this method guarantees that I eat at least 5 different fruits and vegetables. My first challenge is to eat at least 1 of each colour every day for a few weeks, next challenge will be to eat at least 2.

My daily log:
Today I ate (it's only morning but let's go):
Red - Tomato
Purple/Blue - None yet, but will eat something of this colour today.
Orange/Yellow - Carrot, nectarine
Green - Zucchini
Brown/White - Banana, onion, mushrooms
(I will also log on Joe's goals)

What I notice on my list is that I ate most colours already, but blue/purple is missing. I hardly eat any blue/purple fruits and vegetables. I looked to the list of food in this colour and I will add eggplant, peaches and beetroot to my shopping list. I happen to have a jar of beetroot at home so I will eat this today.


Ok that's a long introduction, but the principle is simple. I hope this inspires some of you to join - and that it will be good for you! :)