Knee Brace

LastFighter Posts: 175 Member
edited September 22 in Fitness and Exercise
I dislocated my knee playing racquetball and its given me the motivation to finally go get a professionally made knee brace. I was wondering what results you see from a knee brace. Can I expect no more dislocations and or ligament tears while I am wearing it? If not how much does it help and what are its down falls?


  • Hi lastfighter
    I'm an orthotist in the UK and provide loads of knee braces for dislocations and ligament injuries. If you have only dislocated the once you will probably get good results from using a brace. Its when its dislocated lots of times that other interventions like physio or surgery might be needed.

    If the brace is properly made and fitted correctly you shouldnt have any more dislocations as that is the idea of the brace. You may need some special exercises to do to build up the muscles around the knee to prevent future dislocations when not using the brace.

    I suppose the only downside to the brace is that they tend to be pretty bulky so restricts clothing choice and you can get reliant on the brace which is why I say you need to build up the muscles in the knee so eventually the brace is not needed.

    Good luck
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