Tracy Anderson method?

Before posting this, I did a search and saw some inquiries several months ago - the threads never really took off. So I'm poking around to see if there is any recent interest or feedback.

Tracy Anderson is /was the trainer for Madonna, Gwyneth Paltrow, Courtney Cox, Shakira. She has some interesting stuff. It looks and sounds like her workouts are geared toward developing a long, lean dancer's body (for women) vs. building muscle mass. She also has some fun looking treadmill workouts.

Has anyone tried this? Does anyone have her stuff? I'd be interested in feedback before I order or purchase any of her DVDs.....



  • leggymomma64
    leggymomma64 Posts: 66 Member
    I don't know, but keep me posted if we need to add her to the rotation!!! :happy:
  • rcatr
    rcatr Posts: 374 Member
    i think the jury is out on her. i've heard the opinions go either way with her. i think it's on eithe self or fitness that has a few of her moves posted and i tried them...they were ok for me but i didn't feel the burn that some people say they do. she proposes light weights with lots of reps (lots...i think in her studio you do 50+, but you're working with 3lb weights)

    some people swear by her and others say it's complete crap. i say try a few of her moves out on those sites and see if it works for you.
  • GiGi76
    GiGi76 Posts: 876 Member
    Well, i posted something on this a few months back and no one ever said anything so i figured she must not be that great, but if you find out other wise let me know.... i was going to get a couple of her workouts (still have them setting in my ebay account) but i decided to what and see!!! Good luck finding out what you can! ;-)
  • sherry_80
    sherry_80 Posts: 86 Member
    I have the mat method, pregnancy one, and the cardio- the old one.
    another thing i didnt buy any of the videos, I told my husband how much, and he downloaded them from a site. and i got a good video and i put them on dvd so i can use them on the tv. To this day he refused to let me buy them, he says they cost way too much and i mix zumba, i do that for cardio and i do tracy-mat for toning.
    I have not found any of the new dvds on the site he downloads from

    The cardio is very stressful on my calf's and shins, every time i do it for 1 week , i have to stop because they hurt so bad, and it last a over a week.,
    the mat isnt so bad, you get toned and shrink, you are not building any muscle.
    the only thing i can say about it- is every time i start doing the mat for a week i am smaller, (inches) my clothes fit loose.
    My husband tells me you can see a difference, i dont look huge and my butt gets smaller.
    the pregnancy one, to me its hard because she focuses on your abs for 30 min. and she starts off with out weights, then she add the weights, its too much strain for me, and your on your back for like 30 min. She pauses for like a second when she changes the moves.
    I can say this every time i do the abs section on both the pregnancy on and the mat. my stomach hurts for at least 2 -3 days.

    I would try going to her website, and sign up for a newsletter and she will send you a free VIDEO. and she has other videos posted.
    like if you go to you tube she has the workout she did for gwenth on iron man,- it was called ironman workout, i noticed it doesnt show up when you look up tracy anderson
    and on her website i found the whole iron man workout. she gave that one for free.
    I know she was selling episodes. for 10 min. you can find those on you tube.
  • heathercrist1
    heathercrist1 Posts: 810 Member
    Her workouts are simply amazing. You have to stick to it, but if you do, the results are fantastic! Many people don't know about her because, quite simply her videos are expensive and she focuses on promoting herself to the posh in NYC and the Hamptons. Doesn't mean she isn't good though. I've done tons of workouts and hers is by far one of the hardest, most rewarding I've ever done. For cardio I do a cardio kickboxing class (cause I find it hard to follow her dance cardio and the kickbox is the closest to a dance class I've got access to) and then I do her toning dvd's (I've got the Mat, Post-pregnancy, and Perfect Design and for a beginner I'd recommend the Mat workout).
  • Mindful_Trent
    Mindful_Trent Posts: 3,954 Member
    Lots of opinions on this type of topic - thought I'd throw a link your way - I've found many of this guy's blog posts to be informative and very interesting. Some of his views seem a bit extreme, but he does seem to know what he is talking about... this one specifically addresses the trainer you are asking about:
  • XFitMojoMom
    XFitMojoMom Posts: 3,255 Member
    I believe that with this type of training, to see any benefit you will need to do *a lot* of training - hours upon hours, to see any difference in your body composition. Maybe Gwyneth and Madonna can afford those hours, but the majority of us cannot. I do not know many people that really want to put forth the effort of high intensity training, for shorter amount of time (HIIT or TABATA), but feel comfortable pushing 50% INTENSITY for an hour or an hour and a half... hmm :indifferent: must be something they are pumping through those air vents in the gym...:glasses:

    Most people push low weight for fear they will bulk up. This is a myth and unless you are producing large amounts of progesterone (if you have PCOS, this is your case and you will need to be a little more careful). But let's face it - pushing some serious weight will benefit your bones, not only your muscles.

    Anyway - I am just a psychotic CrossFitter pushing the doctrine of "go heavy or go home...":devil:
    I dunno - but deadlifting my bodyweight or more, makes me feel great! No 3 pound dumbell ever made me feel that way before :huh:
