Eating out most of the time can I still lose weight?



  • Jesea
    Jesea Posts: 374 Member
    Whenever I cook a meal for my family, I prepare one extra serving and freeze it to pack in my lunches. I let it thaw in my lunchbox so it takes less time to microwave. That way, I've already input the recipe into MFP, so logging takes less time as well. Helpful hint:be sure to label everything unless you like surprises!

    Another idea is to make several days worth of salads. put the dressing on the bottom, then layer meat, cheese, hard boiled egg, then chopped veg like broccoli and carrots, then the lettuce on the top so it stays fresh. When it's time to eat, just turn it over and shake it, ready to go!

    Eating takeout won't hurt your weight loss, as long as you plan ahead and make choices that fit into your goals. When I first started, it was easier to eat out as so many restaurants have their info already in the database!

    Good luck!
  • dragon_girl26
    dragon_girl26 Posts: 2,187 Member
    Do yo have a crockpot? That's another great option and the food is already mostly done by the time you get home! I will say, though, that I went out to eat several times a week when I was losing weight. MFP was so handy for times like that because I could plan my meal out before I went, and that deterred me from ordering a burger and fries or something like that. As long as you get enough to be satisfied without overloading on the calories, it should be doable.
  • LloydSev
    LloydSev Posts: 41 Member
    I am taking everyone's advice on board and will definitely try the pulled meat and beans advice! Do any of you have recommendations of meals that are quick to prepare that i could microwave at work? I do make a lot of sandwiches for lunch so maybe i could try eating more of those with brown bread and lean meats?

    Lean Cuisine meals at your local Walmart/Kroger, or a similar product are good microwave meals if you can budget the calories.
  • leggup
    leggup Posts: 2,942 Member
    You can lose weight eating out. It will be harder, especially if you do not have nutritional information available to you or any way of accurately measuring portions. Even restaurants with complete nutritional information online are only a guess for most foods. Restaurants usually use scoops to determine how much cheese, meat, etc goes into a dish. My local restaurant may have a food prep person who fills the scoop all the way, while corporate may have only accounted for 5 oz. It can be tricky.

    If you're struggling (I feel like you wouldn't be asking us unless you were?), I recommend keeping fresh, no-prep product and snacks in the house so that you can stretch the takeaway to multiple days and fill up on fresh veggies.

    I also second the wonders of the crockpot. I also really like the Bird's Eye vegetable steamers. You have to watch some of them-- some have heavy sauces and say serving size is 1/2 the bag. When I'm lazy for work, I'll bring a microwavable fake chicken veggie burger and cut it up over a bag of steamed veggies.
  • hellodmo
    hellodmo Posts: 23
    It's possible. The first time I lost weight, I lost 60 pounds over a six month period when my job required me to travel all the time.

    A few practical pointers:

    1. Eat a high fiber cereal for breakfast. Assembling a bowl of cereal isn't really preparing food. It'll take less time than running out and grabbing something, I guarantee it.
    2. For lunch, I got used to eating monotonously. I'd have a subway sandwich every lunch. This was back in their "Jared" days, and not in their current "Frito Pie Sandwich" days, but you get the point. The same effect can be found eating Chicken Nuggets from Chick-Fil-A. I agree with the earlier statement that you need to know the calorie count of what you're eating. That'll make it much easier.
    3. For dinner, I'd usually go out and get a salad, with some kind of vinaigrette dressing on the side.

    And exercise. I wouldn't have lost that 60 while eating out without also exercising sufficiently.

    One other thing to try is to try to measure the time it takes to pick something up at the restaurant and bring it back. You might actually surprise yourself with how long it actually takes to drive out, order, wait for your food, and bring the food back to the house. In many situations, you can save more time by simply throwing a chicken breast into the oven.

    Some time-saving options might also include one of my personal favorites, which is to buy a warm rotisserie chicken at the supermarket, and break it into four equally sized portions, throw them in plastic bags and put them in the fridge. Boom. Four meals ready to go, cheaper than eating out, and more time saving than eating out.

    Also, the Weight Watchers or Smart Ones meals are a great option. Takes all of three minutes to prepare, and the calorie count is very well known.

    Just a few ideas to help you, but you CAN lose weight and eat out all the time. I know because I've done it.
  • SezxyStef
    SezxyStef Posts: 15,268 Member
    Sorry but Im in agreement with most of the negatives.
    I work LONG hours every week, mostly night shifts travelling between 7 different hotels.
    Quite often working 7 days with very small breaks.

    I still manage to prepare my food and go to the gym on a daily basis..

    Willpower is all that matters...

    (You're not gonna get many people replying encouraging a fast food and eat-out diet. It would be counter productive and against site TOS to encourage an unhealthy diet)

    fast food and eat out diets are not counter productive and against ToS ...if it were there would be a lot of us in trouble all the time.

    It is against the ToS to encourage VLCD...and who says you can't eat healthy eating out...

    Chicken and a salad is DQ chicken strips and side salad, or grilled chicken salad or wendy's tuscan grilled chicken with a salad...

    ETA: there was a teacher who ate at McDonalds everyday and I believe for every meal, exercised and lost weight over 30 days along with bettering his health markers through blood work...
  • Train4Foodz
    Train4Foodz Posts: 4,298 Member
    Sorry but Im in agreement with most of the negatives.
    I work LONG hours every week, mostly night shifts travelling between 7 different hotels.
    Quite often working 7 days with very small breaks.

    I still manage to prepare my food and go to the gym on a daily basis..

    Willpower is all that matters...

    (You're not gonna get many people replying encouraging a fast food and eat-out diet. It would be counter productive and against site TOS to encourage an unhealthy diet)

    fast food and eat out diets are not counter productive and against ToS ...if it were there would be a lot of us in trouble all the time.

    It is against the ToS to encourage VLCD...and who says you can't eat healthy eating out...

    Chicken and a salad is DQ chicken strips and side salad, or grilled chicken salad or wendy's tuscan grilled chicken with a salad...

    ETA: there was a teacher who ate at McDonalds everyday and I believe for every meal, exercised and lost weight over 30 days along with bettering his health markers through blood work...

    We shall have to agree to disagree.

    If yiu honestly think that a fast food and eat-out diet is healthy then all the best to you but I for one will never feel comfortable posting to encourage it.

    Please check the TOS carefully, promoting a takeaway diet would be classed as promoting unhealthy heating patterns, seeing ad OP stated curry as one of the takeaways and no other real references to which kind of takeaway, it doesnt look brilliant.
  • SezxyStef
    SezxyStef Posts: 15,268 Member
    Sorry but Im in agreement with most of the negatives.
    I work LONG hours every week, mostly night shifts travelling between 7 different hotels.
    Quite often working 7 days with very small breaks.

    I still manage to prepare my food and go to the gym on a daily basis..

    Willpower is all that matters...

    (You're not gonna get many people replying encouraging a fast food and eat-out diet. It would be counter productive and against site TOS to encourage an unhealthy diet)

    fast food and eat out diets are not counter productive and against ToS ...if it were there would be a lot of us in trouble all the time.

    It is against the ToS to encourage VLCD...and who says you can't eat healthy eating out...

    Chicken and a salad is DQ chicken strips and side salad, or grilled chicken salad or wendy's tuscan grilled chicken with a salad...

    ETA: there was a teacher who ate at McDonalds everyday and I believe for every meal, exercised and lost weight over 30 days along with bettering his health markers through blood work...

    We shall have to agree to disagree.

    If yiu honestly think that a fast food and eat-out diet is healthy then all the best to you but I for one will never feel comfortable posting to encourage it.

    Please check the TOS carefully, promoting a takeaway diet would be classed as promoting unhealthy heating patterns, seeing ad OP stated curry as one of the takeaways and no other real references to which kind of takeaway, it doesnt look brilliant.

    yes we will have to agree to disagree on this as I have frequently mentioned I eat what I want when I want as long as I stay in my calorie goal including take out every week and have yet to have an MFP employee or MOD send me a note telling me to stop it.

    Along with plenty of others...even some who have tickers promoting taco bell, wendys etc...

    Regardless of how you feel about it that is a personal thing but does not contravene ToS
    3. No Promotion of Unsafe Weight-Loss Techniques or Eating Disorders
    a) Posts intended to promote potentially unsafe or controversial weight loss products or procedures, including non-medically prescribed supplements or MLM products will be removed without warning.
    b) Profiles, groups, messages, posts, or wall comments that encourage anorexia, bulimia, or very low calorie diets of any kind will be removed, and may be grounds for account deletion. This includes positive references to ana/mia, purging, or self-starving. Our goal is to provide users with the tools to achieve their weight management goals at a steady, sustainable rate. Use of the site to promote, glamorize, or achieve dangerously low levels of eating is not permitted.
    c) Photos intended to glamorize extreme thinness will be deleted.
    d) Those seeking support in their recovery from eating disorders are welcome at MyFitnessPal.
  • leggup
    leggup Posts: 2,942 Member
    fast food and eat out diets are not counter productive and against ToS ...if it were there would be a lot of us in trouble all the time.

    It is against the ToS to encourage VLCD...and who says you can't eat healthy eating out...

    Chicken and a salad is DQ chicken strips and side salad, or grilled chicken salad or wendy's tuscan grilled chicken with a salad...

    ETA: there was a teacher who ate at McDonalds everyday and I believe for every meal, exercised and lost weight over 30 days along with bettering his health markers through blood work...

    We shall have to agree to disagree.

    If yiu honestly think that a fast food and eat-out diet is healthy then all the best to you but I for one will never feel comfortable posting to encourage it.

    Please check the TOS carefully, promoting a takeaway diet would be classed as promoting unhealthy heating patterns, seeing ad OP stated curry as one of the takeaways and no other real references to which kind of takeaway, it doesnt look brilliant.

    I am in the "TOS" (you mean the community guidelines, right?), and there is nothing about takeaway, fast food, and the like. I take it this is what you are referencing:

    3. No Promotion of Unsafe Weight-Loss Techniques or Eating Disorders
    a) Posts intended to promote potentially unsafe or controversial weight loss products or procedures, including non-medically prescribed supplements or MLM products will be removed without warning.
    b) Profiles, groups, messages, posts, or wall comments that encourage anorexia, bulimia, or very low calorie diets of any kind will be removed, and may be grounds for account deletion. This includes positive references to ana/mia, purging, or self-starving. Our goal is to provide users with the tools to achieve their weight management goals at a steady, sustainable rate. Use of the site to promote, glamorize, or achieve dangerously low levels of eating is not permitted.
    c) Photos intended to glamorize extreme thinness will be deleted.

    She is not asking about supplements, MLM, anorexia, bulimia, low calorie diets, unsustainably fast weight loss, or extreme thinness.

    There is nothing inherently unhealthy in eating out. I am going to Panera for lunch today. I am fitting it into my daily calories. There is absolutely nothing wrong with that. I could eat it every day for lunch and be just as healthy as I am now. I wouldn't eat it every day because it's harder to fit into my daily calories, not because it is counter productive to weight loss or breaking the MFP ToS.

    So that I am not posting all of this without talking to the OP... here's a delicious crock pot side (I sometimes eat it as a main) that I've made a few times and I loveeee. It will make your kitchen smell like cinnamon and heaven: (sorry it's the mobile version of the site).
  • SonicDeathMonkey80
    SonicDeathMonkey80 Posts: 4,489 Member
    Hi everyone,

    I know I will be told off by a lot of you guys on here but I just don't have that much time to cook. I will normally cook around twice a week, then have a ready meal once a week and the rest of the time it is eating out or take aways. I still try to stick to them being as healthy as possible and always limit my portions. Could I lose weight this way? I am not being lazy but I work two jobs and just never get round to being in the kitchen. Every time I commit to planning and cooking at home I fail and then I dive in to really unhealthy foods because I "failed". Have any of you lost weight succesfully by eating out but watching what kinds of food you eat? For example if I get indian I always get a chicken jalfrezi and eat hardly any of the tomato based sauce, and half a portion of rice. I also sometimes get a chicken shish but order rice instead of pitta. Other takeaways I might get are a chicken chow mein... can i Succeed? I have 80 pounds to lose

    Dude, in about 2min, I can have an entire Indian dish plated and served...
    Drop 3 boneless/skinless chicken breasts and a jar of Tikka Masala sauce in a crockpot (30seconds) set to low, go away for 8hrs
    When ready to eat, heat up a 90sec microwave rice with a serving of frozen peas.
    Boom dinner done.

    If you got time to take a shower, hit the drive thru, wait in a line for food, be on the internet, flip channels, etc, you got time to cook for yourself.

    But yes, you can lose weight eating out all the time. It's going to come with a lot of frustration though. You will be spending a lot of money, retaining a lot of water, and not getting a lot of food for the calories. Your call.
  • HerbertNenenger
    HerbertNenenger Posts: 453 Member
    You don't really have to cook to eat your own food from home. What about sandwiches, hardboiled eggs, cans of soup? These are all things that can be low cal/healthy and you can also track their calories. What about the freezer section of your rmarket? They have microwaveable meals that are cheap, easy, quick and track-able. What about bananas, apples, yogurt? There are so many things that you don't have to cook that you can just grab and go, and TRACK.
    If you really really want this to work, you're going to really need to track your calories, at least in the beginning. I commute to my full time job through downtown traffic, have a young child, a houseful of animals, and daily workouts, and I somehow find the time. You can certainly at least try. Nobody said you had to cook a rack of lamb or beef wellington every night !
  • MeanderingMammal
    MeanderingMammal Posts: 7,866 Member
    If yiu honestly think that a fast food and eat-out diet is healthy then all the best to you but I for one will never feel comfortable posting to encourage it.

    Healthy and best are very arbitrary and depend on wider lifestyle choices, rather than just food intake.

    Weight loss is perfectly achievable as long as one makes informed choices about calroie intake.

    Sports performance is more challenging but it's still achievable.
  • SnuggleSmacks
    SnuggleSmacks Posts: 3,731 Member
    It's not an ideal situation, but that doesn't mean it can't be done. You will need an initial investment of time, but you pretty much only have to do this once:

    Sit down with a computer and look up the nutritional info on all of the places you normally would eat. If no nutritional info is available, stop eating there or take your chances with guessing. Make a list of the places you plan to eat, along with the healthy dishes they serve, and the calorie/macro counts. If you think you're going to splurge once in a while on dessert or some favorite dish, make sure you include those items so you won't have to look them up again later. Stick with that list. You'll need to update it every so often as new places open or seasonal menus change, but for the most part, once you have your list, you're done. Just stick with that list.
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,867 Member
    Yes you can, but I found it far more difficult. It is more difficult to estimate calories in that restaurants are allowed quite a bit of leeway from what they post for nutritional content to what is actually in the meal...further, if you're like me, you enjoy local establishments with much higher quality foods than the commercialized institutionalized franchised foods...thus, nutritional info is not available. To boot, serving sizes are roughly 2-3 times the could pack half of your meal away for later, but I always had difficulty with that. I had a lot more success when I started cooking more and preparing my own foods. I've saved a lot of $$$ along the way as well.

    I've been maintaining for a year and this habit has continued...I only eat out maybe two or three times per month.
  • SonicDeathMonkey80
    SonicDeathMonkey80 Posts: 4,489 Member
    You don't really have to cook to eat your own food from home. What about sandwiches, hardboiled eggs, cans of soup? These are all things that can be low cal/healthy and you can also track their calories. What about the freezer section of your rmarket? They have microwaveable meals that are cheap, easy, quick and track-able.
    If you really really want this to work, you're going to really need to track your calories, at least in the beginning. I commute to my full time job through downtown traffic, have a young child, a houseful of animals, and daily workouts, and I somehow find the time. You can certainly at least try. Nobody said you had to cook a rack of lamb or beef wellington every night !

    Reminds me of Jamie Oliver's Food Revolution... the kids didn't like his food, so the parents packed lunches for the kids. They tossed Lunchables, chips, and candy in there, since anything packed at home is healthy too (maybe healthy with love?). I'd rather have fast food than Lunchables and frozen meals. When I ate those, I always had to add extra protein and veggies because they just weren't filling enough for the calories. By that time, the convenience factor was gone.
  • kaaaaylee
    kaaaaylee Posts: 398
    You cook twice a week. Just cook a ton of chicken and vegetables and have them for days. Literally, I cook almost all my meals on Sundays for the week.

    You'll save some serious $$ too, to invest in smaller clothes ;)
  • Leonidas_meets_Spartacus
    Leonidas_meets_Spartacus Posts: 6,198 Member
    I lost lot of weight traveling for work every week. Keep it simple, its no big deal losing weight eating out.
  • Nice2BFitAgain
    Nice2BFitAgain Posts: 319 Member
    If you aren't opposed to making those crockpot meals you can cook 6 meals worth of food while you are at work and freeze the batches in grab and go containers, reheat when needed. I load my crockpot in the evening before I go to bed, takes 10 minutes TOPS and keep it covered in the fridge overnight, take it out in the morning, add the liquid required (if any) and pop it in on low before I leave. It's ready in 8 hours. Lovely. Do this a couple of days during the week and you have 18 meals made right there.

    ETA: Lots of great ideas:
  • HerbertNenenger
    HerbertNenenger Posts: 453 Member
    You don't really have to cook to eat your own food from home. What about sandwiches, hardboiled eggs, cans of soup? These are all things that can be low cal/healthy and you can also track their calories. What about the freezer section of your rmarket? They have microwaveable meals that are cheap, easy, quick and track-able.
    If you really really want this to work, you're going to really need to track your calories, at least in the beginning. I commute to my full time job through downtown traffic, have a young child, a houseful of animals, and daily workouts, and I somehow find the time. You can certainly at least try. Nobody said you had to cook a rack of lamb or beef wellington every night !

    Reminds me of Jamie Oliver's Food Revolution... the kids didn't like his food, so the parents packed lunches for the kids. They tossed Lunchables, chips, and candy in there, since anything packed at home is healthy too (maybe healthy with love?). I'd rather have fast food than Lunchables and frozen meals. When I ate those, I always had to add extra protein and veggies because they just weren't filling enough for the calories. By that time, the convenience factor was gone.

    Didn't mention Lunchables, or chips, or candy, or anything of the sort, neither would I eat that, or tell anyone else to eat that........ Today I have Veggie Lites Chili Cornbread bowl at 200 calories for lunch. My diary is open so you don't judge what I say before you see what I am referring to - I eat lots of very healthy pre-packaged foods, non-gmo, organic stuff. And I also mentioned yogurt and fruit, too, but you must not have seen that.
  • jonnythan
    jonnythan Posts: 10,161 Member