lose it... then gain it!

Hi all,

I've been trying to lose weight for about 2 1/2 years now... i lost some last year but im absolutely kicking myself cos ive put it all back on and some more.

i always start off really well for the first week and then comes the weekend...

i always lack willpower and always end up eating the same foods so it gets boring...any advice? x


  • Aeriel
    Aeriel Posts: 864 Member
    Try a new food every day. Doesn't have to be a lot, but something new to add to your diet. I've added new fruits, meats and veggies by really taking a look at the supermarket, and not just buying the same old stuff. Search on here for recipes, as there are lots of wonderful ones on here. Make a new recipe to change up an old dish or meat.
  • Saxophone96
    Try to eat more vegetables/fruit and protein! Try to limit carbs and sugar.
    Same here, I always stay under my calorie goal but the weekends... wheww!
    Limit to one slice of pizza or 10 m&ms... don't indulge because its the weekend!
    As for meals, look at cooking magazines, they always have delicious varities of food :D