Wake me up without the caffine, or maybe caffine?

Bearface115 Posts: 574 Member
edited September 22 in Health and Weight Loss
I am a coffee-holic when it comes to me waking up before the butt crack of dawn. but i have learned that coffee is a bittersweet thing. it will wake me up but then i will crash hard, and i dont wanna put more coffee in my body or ill be jittery and my heart will beat hard which will de-motivate me to exercise.
So my question is what are some foods, drinks, or suppliments that will curb my appitite, supply great nutirion, low calorie, and best of all WAKE ME UP FEELING AMAZING! Please i need any advice possible!


  • ct1986
    ct1986 Posts: 200
    I'm not positive but I think I've read something about apples being good for this.
  • kate205gti
    kate205gti Posts: 84 Member
    i used to be a caffeine-addict too, i wouldnt open my eyes without a cup of coffee and drank coffee and diet coke all day, since starting here and reading about the chemicals in diet coke i havent touched any, i went cold turkey which was hard!! but i can honestly say im now wide awake at 7am (unheard of before!) and dont miss it!

    I'll have a decaff coffee in the morning for that coffee taste, then ive discovered fruit teas - strawberry and mango, apple and cinnemon and raspberry, strawberry and cranberry are my favourites :) seem to hit the spot without the crash! just got to get over the first few days of no caffeine!
  • fitterpam
    fitterpam Posts: 3,064 Member
    I've heard that apples are good too. But the best thing I've found for that jolt of wake up feeling is ICE COLD water. The nerves in the back of your throat are very sensitive to hot and cold. By drinking the first glass ice cold, it gives me a jolt. Best part about it is that it doesn't make me crash, I need it anyways. By the time, I've had my glass, had a shower, brushed teeth, dressed, etc. I have a hot cup of herbal tea and I'm ready for the day. It's especially good when you have to get out the door for 5am like I do
  • goron59
    goron59 Posts: 890 Member
    Cold air (or water), adrenaline, exercise - all these things will wake you up.
    Food is important (ie don't skip breakfast).

    I don't know about particular foods, but would be interested in knowing myself.
  • Bearface115
    Bearface115 Posts: 574 Member
    Cold air (or water), adrenaline, exercise - all these things will wake you up.
    Food is important (ie don't skip breakfast).

    I don't know about particular foods, but would be interested in knowing myself.

    Yeah and that's my intention, but im working at 5am and have my exercise class later today. i just mean to wake me up with natural energy before work so i can happily greet people
  • YogaRunner
    YogaRunner Posts: 652 Member
    Without a doubt, Shakeology will do this for you. It has over 70 of the purest, energy giving, life enhancing ingredients on the planet. There is nothing else out there like it. My husband and I drink it every day for breakfast.
  • ErinMarie25
    ErinMarie25 Posts: 733 Member
    I agree about the Shakeology.

    Ice cold water, too. I also wake up at 5, just because I want to workout before my 1 year old gets up. I eat as soon as I get downstairs. I usually make 2 egg whites and have a english muffin. Eat a good breakfast!

    I was never a coffee person either. The only time I drink anything like that is during the holidays when all the nummies come out. Pumpkin spice, eggnog, peppermint, etc. And it's not often. I just do it for the taste and warmth, not for the caffeine. In fact, caffeine makes my stomach feel weird since I am not used to it. It doesn't even give me energy. LOL!
  • MiloBloom83
    MiloBloom83 Posts: 2,724 Member
    I used to drink Mountain Dew first thing in the morning, but since I started MFP, I dropped that to save the calories. I thought I would be dragging along without my usual dose of caffene, but it's been a month and a half now with no ill effects, other than a couple of sluggish afternoons. I start my day now with one cup of coffe(sometimes 2 if i'm working from home), a bowl of oatmeal with cinnamon and honey, and a bottle of ice cold water. I think the water is really the key for me to get me going, I don't really feel awake until I drink that. The oatmeal stays with you for a long time which is good as sometimes I don't get to lunch until 1:00 or 1:30, and the cinnamon is good for you (anti-oxidant). Overall, caffene is not a bad thing, moderation is the key.
  • Bamacraft
    Bamacraft Posts: 175 Member
    Not sure of any supplements, shakes, etc.. that is going to supply the energized wake me up feeling. However, if you can fit in some cardio first thing, then try some of the suggested breakfast ideas you'll be good to go. Its hard to start but once you give it a couple weeks you will not need any caffene, the cardio will have you energized naturally all day without the crash. Give it at least two weeks and see.
  • Supa817
    Supa817 Posts: 17 Member
    Do you take a multivitamin? I'm a bit of a coffee drinker too... I only have one cup during the week at work. But I find that if I miss my vitamin I'm really dragging the rest of the day.
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