Facebook Motivation Help

Good morning fellow MyFitnessPallers. Yesterday my best friend and I decided we need to get off our butts and start taking care of ourselves. As a part of this, we decided we could make goals every single day, small goals, super easy, then work our way up to more difficult ones.

We created a facebook page for others to follow along because many people showed interest. The goals will range from no sugar Sunday, to motivational Monday. Yesterday's goal was to incorporate only one sweet in our day. Today's goal is drink 8, 8 ounce glasses of water. We also have weigh in Wednesdays, you are not required to post your weight, but sharing how you feel about the weight that you are currently at would be awesome!

Each week we have will have fitness goals. We haven't set one for this week, but next week it will be something along the lines of walk 5 miles throughout the week. We are both very out of shape, so as I said, the goals are really easy to begin with. Please join us, tell us your story, how much weight you have to lose, and why you've decided now is the time to become healthy. We are there only for support, there is no judgement, no criticism, only love and help!

Thank you
