Gym routine suggestions needed!

Hi everyone!

I am currently enrolled at my local gym and I want to make the most of it. My only problem is that I am clueless when I go there. I mostly walk around to see which machine is available and do whichever amount of reps I think seems to make most sense at that time.
I have no structure, no routine, no guide, nothing whatsoever when I'm there.

Now, there is a gym instructor there at all times but he's usually flooded with other people wanting his attention and for me to get a turn to talk to him is wasting precious workout time.

Here are a few specs about me:
I'm 24, 5"4 and 224 pounds.
I have no current illnesses, not on any medication and have no physical limitations.
I usually spend 90 minutes to 120 minutes at the gym.
I am striving to lose 20 pounds in 2 months so I need to workout like a $@#$@%$#%
I am aiming to go to the gym AT LEAST 3 times a week.
My gym has group classes but I work tricky hours and always miss them! (so that isn't an option, unfortunately)
I am currently eating low carb, low fat.

If you guys have any suggestions on where to start, where I could look or maybe a whole routine ;),
I would be super grateful!



  • katro111
    katro111 Posts: 632 Member
    Lift weights. StrongLifts 5x5, Starting Strength, Strong Curves, etc. All great programs to get you started.