In Pain now what?

On Sunday I did a wonderful Zumba class burned lots of calories, but when I woke up Monday I could barely lift my legs. My hamstrings’ are killing me. Evidently I worked muscles that I normally don’t push on my elliptical. So last night I pushed my way thru another Zumba class one that was not as intense but I did try to work the pain away. Well again this am I am hurting. It is real hard to go from standing to sitting and sitting to standing. I am pretty certain I can do my elliptical work out; however my question is do I rest my legs or do I push thru some leg work? I did notice last night right after the class I was a little better but not so much this morning. I am very new to exercise, and don’t want to puss out, but I don’t want to hurt myself either. Any advice is helpful.


  • strongerthanb4
    you really have to ease into exercise when you first start out.....i know from experience! you may want to take a day of rest and mayby lift some light weight hand weights or something. feel better soon and take care!
  • ProTFitness
    ProTFitness Posts: 1,379 Member
    Your working differnt muscles doing Zumba because you are using your own weight. A weight bearing exercise. Vs the elliptical were your doing a non weight bearing workout. Try Icy hot stretch after your warmed up ( walking around ect) and try a hot epsom salt bath. THat will help with the soreness.
  • Amandac6772
    Amandac6772 Posts: 1,311 Member
    I would rest for a day and drink LOTS of water to flush out the soreness (there is a scientific name for it but it's left me right now).
  • Reinbach
    If your legs are the only part of your body in pain, I would suggest taking a day off, maybe just lightly stretch them. Work your upper body on that rest day, weight lifting is always a great way to continue to get in better shape while you take a day off from cardio. And when your legs feel better you can get back to your zumba/elliptical. If you push yourself too hard you can shut down the muscles in your body and while you will be sore and in pain, your body simply won't benefit from being pushed so hard. So that is my advice- mix up your exercises and take a day off for every 2 to 3 days of cardio.
  • StacLegg
    StacLegg Posts: 346 Member
    I agree LOTS of water...... I'm feeling your pain, I started a new "boot camp" class on Monday, and this morning my abs, legs, arms, and back are feeling it....... stretch, take walks.... take a rest day if you need to, just be sure to only take one day, get right back up and go at it again! Don't give up!! It gets better!! I actually kind of like the pain because it reminds me I'm working hard at changing, and that change is happening!!!!!!!! =)
  • fitbot
    fitbot Posts: 406
    STRETCH!!!!!!!! AFTER YOUR WORKOUT. a lot of ppl skip this but it is SOOOOOOOOO important!
    I work out pretty hard and find that if i do it every second day instead of every day I am much more efficient. I still am active on my off days, but i dont lift weights of run 5 km. ;)
    also, lots of lean protein for those muscles!
  • maryrshstattoo
    maryrshstattoo Posts: 206 Member
    Thanks for the advice so it is an upper body work out only today. I do drink tons of water so that won't be hard. I have some bio-freeze I'll try. This stinks I love my elliptcal work out ok day off. :-(
  • ErinMarie25
    ErinMarie25 Posts: 733 Member
    Make sure you are stretching. Eventually, the pain will go away. My arm legs used to KILL me doing cardio from jumping a lot, but now they don't anymore. You'll just keep getting fitter and fitter.
  • CroakerNorge
    CroakerNorge Posts: 165 Member
    A little post workout soreness is ok
    An epsom salt bath is a great way to soothe sore muscles, in addition to tons of water, and post workout stretching.
    I usually hold each stretch for 20 seconds, at a minimum to release the muscles & feel the stretch.
  • debcarv
    debcarv Posts: 256 Member
    I did something similar yesterday, only I did the Wii Zumba. I'm sure yours is more intence doing an actual class of it but I injured something in my left leg near my groin. Kept me awake all night so I am laying off of exercise today to rest it.