Working on Loosing 100+ Pounds?

Then friend me! I have lost about 80 pounds and then slowed down for a year. I'm ready to get going again and since I have managed to keep within 20 pounds of my stopping weight I still have between 65 and 100 pounds to go. I don't really know because I have been a big person my entire life and never below 200 pounds as an adult. I would be a good friend if you want to talk about the mental/emotional changes that come along (or don't) come with loosing a lot of weight after having spent your entire life very big.

Looking for friends who are at about the same place and understand the special challenges that come with being bigger and making healthy changes. I am trying to focus on eating cleaner and being active everyday. Since I don't know what to expect at a healthy weight or what that looks like for me I tend to take it slow and gentle. My goal is to be healthy according to the doctor as far as BP, cholesterol etc and find a place where I can be happy, health and comfortable.

I am back in the habit of logging and posting everyday, so if you are looking for an encouraging friend who also has understands the challenges of having fairly large amount of weight to loose I'm your girl.

Thanks All!


  • 1frugaldreams
    1frugaldreams Posts: 8 Member
    But of course I am happy to be friends with anyone who is interested. :)