Foam rolling questions

I have looked on youtube to learn how to do it and I used mine last night and it really helped my sore muscles but since I am new to this I have a few questions that I am sure someone here can answer.

Can you foam roll before a workout or do you only do it afterwards?

Is it ok to do it several times a day?

Is a harder roller always better? My husband wanted the same one his box had so that is the one we bought and it is as close to concrete as a roller can get and still be foam.


  • KBjimAZ
    KBjimAZ Posts: 369 Member
    I roll morning, pre-workout, then before bed. Usually 5-10 mins each time. Most foam rollers are colored by hardness. The white ones are soft, so don't bother. A blue one is generally pretty good for most of the population. The black ones are generally the most firm.

    When you are ready to go next level:
  • Tanya949
    Tanya949 Posts: 606 Member
    I was told by my PT to foam roll before and after exercise. I have one at home as well that I use on in-between workout days. I use the blue one.
  • steve0820
    steve0820 Posts: 510 Member
    I foam roll a couple times a day, or at least I aim to. If you can, roll before and after. I have a blue roller and it works great, and is hard enough.
  • shoeloveramber
    shoeloveramber Posts: 291 Member
    Thank you! I will do it before and after from now on.