When you want to give in



  • _HeartsOnFire_
    _HeartsOnFire_ Posts: 5,304 Member
    I eat what I want when I want as long as it stays in my calorie goals.

    No food is off limits to me.

    If I want pizza I make it at home and make sure I have the calories for it.

    If I want take out I plan for it and have calories left for it.

    I personally eat chocolate everynight.

    My main food are lean meats, veggies, eggs etc..you know "healthy stuff" but the other stuff fits in nicely too.


    I'd say don't label foods as healthy/unhealthy or junk. Personally, if I tell myself I can't have something, that's all I'll want. I don't deprive myself (not saying you do). It's about moderation. There's no good/bad food only bad eating habits.

    Also, one meal/one day won't ruin all of your progress.

    You have to be able to live your life while on this journey. You have to find a balance and do things that are sustainable for the rest of your life.
  • RhysMN94
    RhysMN94 Posts: 6 Member
    As a college kid with uncontrollable midnight munchies, and a vending machine with super good but unhealthy snacks, i have said 'screw it' a few times, and ate 500+ calories in 5 minutes many times. I have learned that its only hurting me so much more. I now have snacks that i eat at night instead of chips or candy. Apples and strawberries have sugar, so i still get my sweet tooth somewhat pleased, and if im really hungry ill make a pb and j sandwhich. Not the healthies choice, but much healthier than doritos or pop tarts.
    Also, learn from your mistakes. Since i started watching what i eat, everytime i go to the vending machine, i feel soooo guilty! dont be too hard on yourself, but dont be too lenient also. Also, cheat days help!! i always go super hard in the gym the day before and after a cheat day though. i only have a cheat day once every 2 weeks. and i dont go too wild. Good luck!!
  • _HeartsOnFire_
    _HeartsOnFire_ Posts: 5,304 Member
    Sometimes I do a Nancy Reagan and just say no. Seriously. I tell the food "bugger off, damn it, you are NOT in control".

    Sometimes I don't give myself a chance to 'think' about it, I just shut it down. Boom.

    Sometimes I'll think about whatever it is that I want to eat and look up the cals first. That often stops me.

    Sometimes I"ll have just a small portion of whatever it is and that does the trick.

    Sometimes I don't tell myself that I "can't" have that but rather I "won't" have that.

    Sometimes nothing works and I say to hell with it and just eat. I freely admit that I enjoy mindless eating. Too much.

    If this happens, it happens. But the next day I get right back up on that horse.

    You...I like you...The Nancy Reagan thing had me laughing!
  • JTick
    JTick Posts: 2,131 Member
    I eat what I want when I want as long as it stays in my calorie goals.

    No food is off limits to me.

    If I want pizza I make it at home and make sure I have the calories for it.

    If I want take out I plan for it and have calories left for it.

    I personally eat chocolate everynight.

    My main food are lean meats, veggies, eggs etc..you know "healthy stuff" but the other stuff fits in nicely too.

    Yeah this.

    Why are you feeling this way? Is your calorie goal appropriate? Are you working foods you love into your diet?
  • royaldrea
    royaldrea Posts: 259 Member
    I'd suggest that you develop clearly defined nutrition targets - calories target, macronutrients targets (in case you don't know and as far as I know, these are what your calories are made of - carbs, fats, protein - and your body needs these to live).

    Once you do this it'll be easier to stop labeling food as "junk" - food is generally just food, comprised of carbs, fats, protein, and some micronutrients that I personally am not too interested in.

    So, instead of saying, I can't eat this slice of pizza because it's bad for me, or because it's too greasy and fat is the devil, you can say:

    - I won't eat this slice of pizza because it's 300 calories which will take me over my calorie goal, and I'd rather allot those calories to something I'd enjoy much more; OR

    - I won't eat this slice because it's 40g of carbs, which will take me over my carb limit and I'm trying to keep below 175; OR

    - I CAN eat this slice because it fits into my nutrition goals. I want to reach my carb goal, I have enough calories to make it work, I would like to reach my fats limit and this will help me do that.

    You may even say sometimes, this slice will take me waaay over my targets. But I really want it and I know that it's not the end of the world to go over my limits sometimes, as long as I acknowledge everything I eat and practice moderation on a more consistent basis than not.

    This is what I do and it helps when things seem a bit difficult! And the more I do the above, the easier it becomes to control what I eat. It's working well and feels sustainable, maybe it'll work for you too.
  • cstringfellow2013
    cstringfellow2013 Posts: 172 Member
    Do you like eating kale for breakfast? If not, don't do it! If you're miserable you'll never stick with it, and you don't have to be miserable. Literally the only thing you have to do in order to lose weight is create a caloric deficit -- you have to take in fewer calories than you burn. You can do that and still eat foods you like. I love kale, and even I can't face it first thing in the morning.


    If I started my day with kale, I'd be miserable. Eat what you would like for breakfast (include protein to keep you full).
  • Jestinia
    Jestinia Posts: 1,153 Member
    I am an excellent procrastinator. Sometimes I just tell myself maybe I'll go to town on the half off candy tomorrow, then I'll walk quickly out of the store and hope tomorrow never comes.
  • Due to issues with thyroid and some other medical issues, it is VERY difficult for me to lose weight. I can watch my calories, work out regularly and not see a pound drop in weeks. It can get frustrating and has caused me to be like a yo-yo in my efforts because I would think, "why work so hard to get no results?!?!"

    However, I have really found that I have to change my whole perspective and mentality. For me, I have to make it less about losing weight (although I want that) and more about getting myself to a feel-great healthy point.

    I make sure to look at food as something that fuels my body and to do things that make me feel great and get more energy. A bowl of ice cream may taste good in the moment, but I'm never glad I ate it and I never feel better after. A mango or a green smoothie or a filet of salmon tastes better to me AND I feel great after eating it. I also changed my goals to be about getting in enough veggies, fruit, lean protein and fiber and sticking to good portion sizes, no grazing on food through the day, and making sure my calories are in check - and the rest will take care of itself.

    With this mentality, exercise comes more naturally. It, once again, becomes about making better choices and treating my body with love and respect. I also recognize and remind myself how much better I feel when I exercise and how much more energy and confidence I have.

    The biggest pay-off for me - feeling in control! I love not feeling like my cravings or insecurities are ruling my life and my eating. I feel like I have control and I am making the decisions and taking the time and effort to make good decisions and to take care of my body. That is an AMAZING feeling!!! And I just have to trust that all of these things will show up on the scale and in my body and not get discouraged when the scale doesn't show the effort. Because my body IS getting healthier and healthier and I am happier!!!

    Best of luck!!
  • lilawolf
    lilawolf Posts: 1,690 Member
    I get enough calories, fat and protein to feel generally satisfied. I exercise enough to give me plenty of extra food.

    If it's something that I want, but only kind of, such as peanut M&Ms or whatever candy is half off at Walgreens, then I think about something else and walk on past. I've often forgot about it as soon as it's out of sight. Same thing with treats in my house. I keep them in a cupboard and only go after them if I really want them Don't stop, don't look at it, don't think about it. Just move on.

    Boredom eating was a big part of my weight gain (that and wine, but we won't talk about that :-p). I hardly ever just sit on the couch and watch tv any more. I walk, I exercise, I shop, I cook, I do chores. If I want to rest, I go to bed early, read a book (better than tv for the muchy cravings imo), take a hot bubble bath, get a massage, hang out with a friend, etc.

    If I really want something, I have it. That's the biggest success. I work in shakes, pizza, ice cream, small pieces of GOOD chocolate, fast food, mac and cheese, you name it! I have a treat every day, sometimes small, sometimes large and just work it in to my weekly calories. My problem before was that I would have ALL of the treats. You can have a big plate of pad thai, or pizza, or a bowl of ice cream, or a couple glasses of wine, just not and, and, and!

    A glass of water, procrastination (telling yourself you will have it in an hour is easier than telling yourself no and often ends up being the same thing), herbal tea (particularly Tazo passion because it is so sweet/rich), sugar free gum, a piece of hard candy, brushing my teeth, going to bed early, and doing something active are my other tricks.
  • ampherz
    ampherz Posts: 55 Member
    Boredom eating was a big part of my weight gain (that and wine, but we won't talk about that :-p). I hardly ever just sit on the couch and watch tv any more. I walk, I exercise, I shop, I cook, I do chores. If I want to rest, I go to bed early, read a book (better than tv for the muchy cravings imo), take a hot bubble bath, get a massage, hang out with a friend, etc.

    This is brilliant. Thank you! I do notice that when I read, shop, or do chores I can't eat! Or even if I keep my hands busy while I watch TV. In my house we've developed an awful (well, for me) habit of sitting down to a good show once dinner is ready. And then I reach for another glass of wine, a second portion, or "dessert" munchies. I don't need the TV, and I certainly don't need to be eating while it's on. Must reach for crafts and fizzy water instead of snacks! As a bonus I'll also feel better because I've accomplished something.
  • Branstin
    Branstin Posts: 2,320 Member
    Many years ago, I not only wanted to toss in the towel, I tossed it in over and over. You just have to make a solid commitment and stick to it. Eating all of the kales in the world won't help if you are not ready. A calorie deficiency is the only safe way to weight loss. I will not eat any foods I don't like in order to lose weight because it isn't necessary. Keeping yourself accountability by tracking everything you eat, water you drink, and exercise is the key to successful health. At this point in my life, giving up is not an option. Surround yourself with tools and friends to keep you motivated and you’ll be fine. One day here and there is not going to hurt and should be expected because you are not a robot. Your life will change from week to week because you are human and have an array of stuff to deal with so just be mindful of your food intake. Make it fun!
  • Siannah
    Siannah Posts: 456 Member
    Sometimes I just give in. And then I go back to normal. It's that simple. Well, in theory anyway! :laugh:
  • dopeysmelly
    dopeysmelly Posts: 1,390 Member
    I work in my daily small glass of wine, and occasional chocolate, but I made the conscious choice on January 21, 2014 NOT to give in to those boredom cravings ever again (first 2 weeks were tough, but since then it's been OK). If I feel twitchy, I make myself a cup of tea.