Breast feeding

Is anyone who is breast feeding having problems with snacking?? That seems to be my biggest problem...I'm still eating like I'm prego...Ahhhh I didn't eat the greatest while I was pregnant so now its kicking me in the butt


  • Elsie_Brownraisin
    Elsie_Brownraisin Posts: 786 Member
    Are your calories adjusted to take into account you're nursing? Sorry if it's a silly question, if not, you need extra and that will be why you want snacks rather than pregnancy habits.

    Or also, have you set your basic activity level to sedentary when working out your calories? You look like you have 3 young children there - you aren't sedentary!

    Experiment and see what works for you. If you find in a couple of weeks you're not losing, then look at how often you snack or what you eat when you do. I found the MFP calorie allowance a bit low and changed it manually.
  • rekite2000
    rekite2000 Posts: 218 Member
    Definitly make sure you breastfeeding calories are in your total. I was eating a lot of calories a day while nursing and was losing weight. I had a hard time keeping up with that much food, but now I miss it! (I honestly can't remeber how much it was but I think it was around 2500)

    If you are eating for the nursing, then maybe it is the type of food. I know I tended to snack on my toddler's food like goldfish. Once I was making sure I ate high fiber or high protein snacks, I stopped snacking so much.