Whey protein for breakfast?

So I bought whey protein by Body Fortress, and decided to have a protein shake for breakfast in place of the sugary cereal I have in the morning. For my other two meals I get protein from eggs and beans. My question is, most people recommend it as a post-workout shake. I don't workout in the morning though, so I don't drink it post workout. Am I losing out on the benefits of the powder?


  • capriqueen
    capriqueen Posts: 974 Member
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,865 Member
    It's a supplement and really isn't a very good option as a meal replacement...personally I would replace your sugary cereal with something else for breakfast that is actually food and then supplement with whey protein as necessary to hit your overall protein goals. A protein shake for breakfast isn't exactly optimal nutrition...it's pretty much just protein.
  • cardinalsfootball
    cardinalsfootball Posts: 167 Member
    I think it's fine for a breakfast. Try it for a couple weeks and see how it works out. Surely it's better than cereal.
  • demonwithahalo
    demonwithahalo Posts: 11 Member
    I wouldn't say that you are losing out on the benefits of the powder, but people generally (myself included) use protein shakes as a post workout drink because you should always get protein after you workout, and it's an easy on the go way to do so. Now, depending on protein shakes as a main source of protein, if you are not already getting sufficient elsewhere, isn't the best. This is because more complex proteins will make you feel full longer, keep your appetite at bay, while simple proteins in protein powder are easier for the body to digest and therefore will not have the same benefit toward satiety.
  • Tiernan1212
    Tiernan1212 Posts: 797 Member
    I use it for breakfast too. I don't like actual food in the morning, but I don't want my stomach growling either. Meal timing has nothing to do with weight loss (although I have no idea what your goals are from you OP), so feel free to drink your protein whenever!

    I also use the Body Fortress, the chocolate peanut butter is awesome!
  • demonwithahalo
    demonwithahalo Posts: 11 Member
    Holy run on sentence. But you get my drift.
  • jratoms
    jratoms Posts: 11
    I take casein protein every morning but I add it into a smoothie, Whey is fast acting and usually in and out of your system within 90 minutes, you're better off taking casein in the morning and at night before bed as its slow releasing, up to 8 hours. Whey is better, before, during or just after a workout. Just my .02, I'm sure somebody will come along with a different answer if you wait long enough.
  • parmoute
    parmoute Posts: 99 Member
    I have a protein smoothie for breakfast whether I work out that day or not. I just change what goes into the smoothie depending on what kind of day I expect to have (e.g., less protein more carbs on workout days, more protein more fat on teaching days so I don't get hungry during class). I do try to have a smaller smoothie + a post-workout snack on gym days.

    Sometimes I have whey protein and sometimes I have a multi-source protein mix in the house. I don't think there are any reasons *not* to eat protein with breakfast, and unless you can't have a certain kind, I don't think it matters too much. I haven't noticed a difference, at any rate.
  • Leadfoot_Lewis
    Leadfoot_Lewis Posts: 1,623 Member
    You're overthinking things. :smile: You're obviously always going to better off eating actual food than a supplement, but there's no crime in having a Protein Shake for breakfast. If I'm in a rush, I'll have either a shake or Protein Bar for breakfast. Nothing wrong with starting off the morning with some protein IMO.
  • coachbennettlhs
    coachbennettlhs Posts: 30 Member
    I have a whey shake with breakfast every morning (unless I eat meat or a few eggs instead). In the morning your body is craving protein. Whey breaks down quickly and can easily be absorbed so it's the obvious choice for the mornings and post-training.

    As stated above, a whey shake is NOT a replacement for breakfast. It's simply a supplement. Use it in conjunction with a healthy breakfast.
  • stanvoodoo
    stanvoodoo Posts: 1,023 Member
    I start every morning with a Protein Shake and usually my workouts are in the evening and I try to have protein after as well.

    Protein shakes are a great way to get more protein into your diet!!!

    Best of luck,

  • 4aces61
    4aces61 Posts: 292 Member
    I mix my oatmeal in my shake. Kill two birds w/ one stone.
  • Rogiefreida
    Rogiefreida Posts: 567 Member
    You're overthinking things. :smile: You're obviously always going to better off eating actual food than a supplement, but there's no crime in having a Protein Shake for breakfast. If I'm in a rush, I'll have either a shake or Protein Bar for breakfast. Nothing wrong with starting off the morning with some protein IMO.

    Agreed. I base all my meals around protein to make sure I get enough and sometimes a shake or protein bar is just the easiest thing for me to grab. After a workout, particularly a strength training one, your muscles need protein to start the repair process which is why it's recommended to take in a protein shake after a workout, but actually what you need is protein in whatever form you want to take it in. Real food is always superior to supplemental food (i.e. protein powder), but if they are supplementing your diet and not your whole entire diet, then I think they're fine.
  • jlclabo
    jlclabo Posts: 588 Member
    i tend to have a shake of the morning if im in a hurry plus after my workouts. i usually make mine with 70g of Dymatize mint chocolate, 32g peanut butter, 85g raw spinach, 100g banana. its very macro balanced and in the realm of 600 calories if i use 240ml of 2% milk. if i use water, ill use 10oz water and 4-5 ice cubes. very very good and a nice pick me up.