First post! Friends & best diet tips?

This is my first post on my fitness pal, started this last year around summer time which I was weighing in at about 13st 2 at 5ft10. I've had a few ups and downs but I'm currently weighing 11st 7 even though I don't feel like I look much smaller my clothes tell me a different story changing from borderline size 16 to a now 10/12, want to be around 10stone, and get rid of my chunky thighs!!
Currently eating around 1200 calories a day give or take a bit, try to eat as healthy as I possibly can but I can't stand most fruits and vegetables although I love fruit smoothies!
Also on day 10 of the squat challenge so hoping this will make a difference to,

Would like to make some friends just so we can motivate eachother as my timelines a bit boring haha!

Also, if you could give one diet tip that's helped you the most or unique not really known I would really appreciate it if you added them too!
Thanks ☺️