I keep messing up, need motivation

I really need motivation..I WANT to maintain my weight and eat healthy but I keep messing up! =( I actually love the weight I've put on lately ( I was under weight and had loose skin, now my skin is 90% back to normal!) but before I actually start to regret the gain I want to stop it and maintain again. I'm currently 140 pounds, 5'4. I love how I look now and don't want to get bigger. I was doing so good today, my daily goal is 1700...then my family ate meatballs. And before I knew it I ate two subs -_- this seems to happen every night..my plan is to start eating later in the morning ( usually eat at 6 am, then again at 9 or 10) I want to stick to a schedule: 8 AM- Noon, small snack at 3, then dinner at 6. How can I stick to this and not eat past 6? I've been eating everything in sight and it's crazy!


  • whisperfitandhappy
    whisperfitandhappy Posts: 101 Member
    FYI: 90% of what I eat is healthy. Fiber, protein, fruits and veggies.

    My weakness is bread! ugh I've been trying to cut back on it.
  • josephhack
    josephhack Posts: 1
    Maybe youre not eating enough carbs as it is which is why youre craving them.. Drink more water in between meals and eat tons of fiber to keep you full so youre not quite as hungry in the evenings. Theres nothing wrong with eating past 6 so long as you havent gone over your cal goal for the day. Try to keep meals at around 300 calories spaced 3 hours apart.
  • feeney1217
    feeney1217 Posts: 5
    Don't be too hard on yourself. There will always be temptations. It's part of the process. You have to pat yourself on the back for what you HAVE lost, and don't put too much pressure on yourself. If you cheat, just get back on as soon as you can. It's when you feel deprived that you will run into the most trouble. I've lost 113 pounds and have finally grasped the idea that losing weight and maintaining a healthy weight is more a change of mind than a change of food. Above all, I have realized that I have to plan. If you're going to be around friends and family who will have foods that you're trying to stay away from, make sure you have an alternative. Sometimes that means taking your own food with you. There will always be another birthday, holiday, or special event to tempt you. Keep up the good work and give yourself a break.
  • whisperfitandhappy
    whisperfitandhappy Posts: 101 Member
    I keep saying to myself every day "Tomorrow you start fresh" I do well during the day then comes night time..and bam there I am eating everything. I don't know what's wrong with me. I've lost 140 pounds and don't want to get that large ever again
  • millie090186
    Don't get too down on yourself if you don't stick to your set times for meals. Just focus on sticking to your calorie intake. If you go to bed late, not eating past 6pm can be very difficult. Perhaps try going to bed earlier so you're not out of bed and near the kitchen? Or if that's not possible, try permitting yourself to have a small healthy snack like fruit. Remember not to have an "all or nothing" mentality with food. Even if you HAVE to give in to the cravings, you can still control what, and how much, you eat.

    Don't be disheartened :) sounds like you've done an amazing job already.