After three kids....

I just started back on a diet last Saturday. I completely gave up sodas, make sure to portion my foods correctly, and exercise more. I also use livestrong.

I had three kids one day shy of 3 years apart. My son, the middle child, is the one I gained my weight with. I am 5'3 and as of today weigh 189 (193 when I started on Saturday). I want to get back down to my pre-baby weight of 135 which I know is going to take time. I want one of those tickers that a lot of you have....can you please tell me where to get one? I clicked on apps, tickers, and then it takes me back to my home page.

I think it will help me see my addition to the horrible before pic that I boldly decided to use..


  • mlakshmi82
    mlakshmi82 Posts: 4

    I'm new and I also put on lots of weight with my second baby. he is 16 months now (I only have two little ones though) and am struggling to loose the weight. I don't know how to get those tickers either but I just wanted to give some support. I think there are many here trying to loose some or all of the baby weight.
  • Hi i have a 2.5 yr old and a 13 week old and have started this week hoping to lose 3 stone ( sorry don't do lbs in UK lol too many to count ha!) what is a ticker??
  • ashley3367
    ashley3367 Posts: 3 Member
    If you'll go in to some other posts and look at people's replies they have x lbs lost and x amount to go at the bottom of their posts. Good luck to you ladies. Baby weight is pesky to get rid of! My oldest is 3, middle will be 2 in about 3 weeks, and baby is 8 months. I should've started this long ago, but I kept getting pregnant and was afraid to workout because I didn't know how to safely do it while pregnant...Anyway, good luck!
  • DebbieLyn63
    DebbieLyn63 Posts: 2,654 Member
    If you click on Message Boards, then click on Settings, you should be able to choose to have your ticker shown on the forum posts.
    If you do not have a ticker on your profile page at all, then that is weird. Perhaps MFP has changed new accounts to not include tickers anymore? When you created your account, you should have had the chance to create a ticker as well.
  • Lizzy622
    Lizzy622 Posts: 3,705 Member
    Have patience and remember to take care of yourself. I have 3 also within 38 months. My baby is almost 18 years old. My middle one is 19 and the oldest is 20. Your body is changed forever so don't expect to go back to where you were before number one. Focus on health and strength and being the best possible example to your children. Good luck :smile: