upset about my bmi



  • ka_42
    ka_42 Posts: 720 Member
    BMI shouldn't be the only indicator of your success. For me, it falls in line - I am 5'3 1/2 and started at 147.6. I was about 2-3 pounds overweight (for the first time ever) when I started here. I'm small framed, but I'm fairly muscular and that weight did not look good on me. Now I'm 121.6 and a size 2 with a BMI of 21.2. I'm much healthier, fitter and my muscles are even more well defined.

    I see a lot of people on here discredit BMI by saying they'll look "sick" when they get there. For some people it's true, but it's not true across the board. I think people get lazy and want to believe that an overweight BMI is the healthiest they can be because they were obese or even more overweight initially - and some change is better than no change.

    First focus on your food choices, then focus on your fitness...then look at your weight/BMI/BF%.

    And be wary of BF percentages that come from scales. They're just a guess at best - I mean, I'd love to believe I'm 16% body fat, but I'm fairly certain that's not true.

    Wow, I'm 5'3" as well and weigh like 15 lbs more then you.. you're a size 2, and I'm a size 10. Another reason that body type does need to be taken into consideration... :ohwell:
  • motoxmom1
    Unfortunately, based on BMI people are denied Health Care Insurance and others forced to pay higher rates. Until we get some sort of real Health Care Reform in this country it will not change. I still have to lose 6 pounds to even be on the line between what's considered Healthy and Overweight. I use the BMI calculator as a motivator! I was lazy, out of shape and did not have healthy eating habits. I use my BMI as a guidline and intend to be in the Healthy category and maintain at that level (even if it's on the higher end of that category). I can understand why it would discourage some people. What works for one doesn't work for another. If it doesn't work for you, ignore the BMI. Set your own goal that you are happy with and work towards it! Good luck!
  • Sparksfly
    Sparksfly Posts: 470 Member
    BMI shouldn't be the only indicator of your success. For me, it falls in line - I am 5'3 1/2 and started at 147.6. I was about 2-3 pounds overweight (for the first time ever) when I started here. I'm small framed, but I'm fairly muscular and that weight did not look good on me. Now I'm 121.6 and a size 2 with a BMI of 21.2. I'm much healthier, fitter and my muscles are even more well defined.

    I see a lot of people on here discredit BMI by saying they'll look "sick" when they get there. For some people it's true, but it's not true across the board. I think people get lazy and want to believe that an overweight BMI is the healthiest they can be because they were obese or even more overweight initially - and some change is better than no change.

    First focus on your food choices, then focus on your fitness...then look at your weight/BMI/BF%.

    And be wary of BF percentages that come from scales. They're just a guess at best - I mean, I'd love to believe I'm 16% body fat, but I'm fairly certain that's not true.

    Exactly, when I was 175 at 5'4 I always thought the BMI scale was crap. Now I honestly believe it is a good indicator for women looking to be in a healthy weight zone.

    My mom thinks I am getting too skinny. I am middle-top of a healthy BMI range, so no I am not getting too skinny. I think people are just so used to seeing overweight people today that they aren't used to see people in a healthy weight range.

    I am in a size 4 at around 130lbs. The clothing size sounds small, but a size 4 today would be like a size 8--30 years ago.
  • ka_42
    ka_42 Posts: 720 Member
    BMI shouldn't be the only indicator of your success. For me, it falls in line - I am 5'3 1/2 and started at 147.6. I was about 2-3 pounds overweight (for the first time ever) when I started here. I'm small framed, but I'm fairly muscular and that weight did not look good on me. Now I'm 121.6 and a size 2 with a BMI of 21.2. I'm much healthier, fitter and my muscles are even more well defined.

    I see a lot of people on here discredit BMI by saying they'll look "sick" when they get there. For some people it's true, but it's not true across the board. I think people get lazy and want to believe that an overweight BMI is the healthiest they can be because they were obese or even more overweight initially - and some change is better than no change.

    First focus on your food choices, then focus on your fitness...then look at your weight/BMI/BF%.

    And be wary of BF percentages that come from scales. They're just a guess at best - I mean, I'd love to believe I'm 16% body fat, but I'm fairly certain that's not true.

    Exactly, when I was 175 at 5'4 I always thought the BMI scale was crap. Now I honestly believe it is a good indicator for women looking to be in a healthy weight zone.

    My mom thinks I am getting too skinny. I am middle-top of a healthy BMI range, so no I am not getting too skinny. I think people are just so used to seeing overweight people today that they aren't used to see people in a healthy weight range.

    I am in a size 4 at around 130lbs. The clothing size sounds small, but a size 4 today would be like a size 8--30 years ago.

    Wow... why am I pretty much the same height and weight as you two but am wearing several sizes larger clothes? and you girls look great in a bikini. I couldn't wear a bikini.. How depressing.. Does this mean that the BMI scale is failing me? How much is a healthy weight for me?
  • edorice
    edorice Posts: 4,519 Member
    Don't fret dear heart, BMI sucks and is inaccurate. It's best to get a bodyfat test and go off of that. My BMI was 41.6 @ 273 lbs which I would agree with but now at 220 lbs with more muscle it is supposed to be 33.1. Feel free to look at my pics. I don't agree with it. My body fat is 24% and dropping.

    A person of the same height and weight is going to look different from others due to muscle. Muscle takes up less space than fat. A person that has been active most of their life is going to be less fluffy.
  • lloydrt
    lloydrt Posts: 1,121 Member
    BMI = another chart that the government uses to label all of us as overweight.......guess theyre gonna have more programs to show us how much worse the nation is and what throw away money programs they can come up with, to spend our money
    Im gonna quote my doctor when it comes to the BMI chart.

    "Lloyd, no sane doctor would ever use this chart to measure or lable a patient"

    Dont use it............RUN LIKE HELL TO AVOID IT..........

    Its government propoganda in a nut shell.........Now you know why when you turn on the television, you hear reports that the Nation is now "oficially' 2/3 over weight and 80% of the latest statitistics furnished by the US Govt is now stating we are an obese nation.............
    and on and on and on................

    Again, please dont let some outdated US Govt chart dictate to you.........Doctors DONT USE IT...........Lloyd
  • catcrazy
    catcrazy Posts: 1,740 Member
    I think we need to be putting our location before size number. A US size 4 is a uk 6-8. The converters say a 6 but reality says an 8. But these sizes are all naff compared to years ago...does anyone else remember a 28 inch waist being a UK 14?

    Back to the original post, BMI takes no account of muscle. Get your body fat measured for a true picture and don't let the numbers get you down
  • edorice
    edorice Posts: 4,519 Member
    BMI = another chart that the government uses to label all of us as overweight.......guess theyre gonna have more programs to show us how much worse the nation is and what throw away money programs they can come up with, to spend our money
    Im gonna quote my doctor when it comes to the BMI chart.

    "Lloyd, no sane doctor would ever use this chart to measure or lable a patient"

    Dont use it............RUN LIKE HELL TO AVOID IT..........

    Its government propoganda in a nut shell.........Now you know why when you turn on the television, you hear reports that the Nation is now "oficially' 2/3 over weight and 80% of the latest statitistics furnished by the US Govt is now stating we are an obese nation.............
    and on and on and on................

    Again, please dont let some outdated US Govt chart dictate to you.........Doctors DONT USE IT...........Lloyd

    Woot!!! I like that. Throw BMI out on it's azz!!!
  • alucard75
    alucard75 Posts: 207 Member
    BMI was created over 100 years ago by a doctor to classify groups of people...How it is used is not how it was intened to be used. A better judge is your body fat percent. That can give you an real number. Don't stress to just a number. mine is 33
  • End6ame
    End6ame Posts: 903
    I track BMI for the sake of proving how awful it is as a measurement. I hope that my BMI always reads obese as my body fat % drops.
  • ka_42
    ka_42 Posts: 720 Member
    I think we need to be putting our location before size number. A US size 4 is a uk 6-8. The converters say a 6 but reality says an 8. But these sizes are all naff compared to years ago...does anyone else remember a 28 inch waist being a UK 14?

    Back to the original post, BMI takes no account of muscle. Get your body fat measured for a true picture and don't let the numbers get you down

    I wish your conversion tip was the reasoning behind the differences in clothing sizes for me vs. other posters at my height and weight... but it's not. I looked at their profiles and we're all in the US. I feel pretty discouraged.
  • Sauchie
    Sauchie Posts: 357 Member
    Personally from the research i have read The average American is over on the BMI. but 1-3 points. So to me its all crap.. I'm going for my goal weight that makes me feel bad even it it says I'm "overweight" i'll be over weight not huge like now,
  • funkyspunky871
    funkyspunky871 Posts: 1,675 Member
    After reading 2 pages worth of people putting down the BMI calculator, I feel like I need to say that I like tracking my BMI. Maybe it's because I'm not very muscular, but BMI holds very true for me. For god's sake, read what EVERY BMI calculator out there states: Does not account for muscle mass. Couldn't be anymore straightforward than that. At 5'7' and 295 pounds, my BMI was 46.3 and now at 211.4 pounds, it's 33.1. In about 20 more pounds, I'll count as just overweight, which sounds about right to me.

    So, stop being upset about it. When you're a healthy weight, it will be obvious, and what the BMI says won't matter at that point.
  • bmuelling07
    I think if you had enough muscle to take you all the way from normal to morbidly obese, you would be doing so much weight training that you wouldn't have any doubts about the shape you are in. You need to turn your upset into a positive force for change instead of looking for reassurance that you don't need to do anything. The really reassuring thing is that there are plenty of people here who have been much bigger than you and have turned it around.

    The only reason I am being blunt is that I wish I had started sooner when I was only slightly overweight instead of wasting that time convincing myself I was okay really and then having twice as much to lose.

    If I was looking for any reassurance it was that I wasn't "Morbidly Obese". I am definitely aware that I am overweight...that is why I joined the site. I understand that you are being encouragingly blunt so don't take my reply the wrong way.. I'm just stating that I realize I for sure need to lose weight. That is obviously why I am here lol