Suspension Trainer Ideas for Strength Training?

odddrums Posts: 342 Member
Hi all,

I'm finishing week 4 of Insanity to jumpstart my cardio and break a weight loss plateu, with my current goal of losing inches and maybe a pound a week. After I finish this I'm going to take a week off before going off into the woods to work at a summer camp for 6 weeks. My goal is to maintain and possibly gain a bit more muscle during my time there, get into better shape before school starts in August.

I've got the food part down, the meals at the camp are pre-planned and I know how much to eat to gain, maintain, or lose weight, what I'm looking for are a good set of exercises for the suspension trainer that I can do. I have an old TRX that I used a bit last year and I'd like to kick that up a few notches and work out 4 days a week with it. Also, if anyone has suggestions for or against running about 5k a few times a week that would be nice too. I'm still trying to lose fat and want to increase my endurance so I'm still keeping that an option while using the suspension trainer to maintain my muscle.

EDIT: I'm looking for large and small muscle exercises. I know all the free weight ones and the basics like pushups, one legged squats, lunges, and so on, but some more advanced ones for upper/lower back, abs, biceps, triceps, deltoids...
