
Hey All,

I know weight loss pills are a controversial subject, and I expect some amount of heated backlash saying that I should simply use diet and exercise alone, the pills are dangerous, etc.

While I have noted all of these things I would really like to hear from people who have either had personal experience with these weight loss pills, or who have links to some good research.

I want to know #1, do they work (when combined with diet and exercise) #2, how bad are they really?

I have recently gained almost 30 unwanted pounds. I used to be fit and healthy, but after losing my dad last year I took a spiral into depression and emotional eating. It's been a year and I'm ready to get my life back and make some changes, and I know how to do it right, but would love a little kick start to get me going.



  • tiptoethruthetulips
    tiptoethruthetulips Posts: 3,370 Member
    I want to know #2, how bad are they really?

    Bad enough to put people into hospital
  • Forty6and2
    Forty6and2 Posts: 2,492 Member
    I want to know #1, do they work (when combined with diet and exercise)

    No, but diet and exercise work.
  • Again, I have used diet and exercise successfully in the past, and I realize this is the most healthy and long lasting means to losing weight. I was looking for answers from people who have had experience using this as a temporary jump start to help accelerate weight loss.

    Personal experience using these and other similar pills would be very insightful.

    ...when you say "no" do you have any personal experience and/or research to back this up?
  • That's definitely scary. I would be interested to know if any of these people were using beyond the recommended dosage, and/or combining the with alcohol or other stimulants?

    ...sorry I am still getting used to the forums. I meant to quote the person who originally responded to my post.
  • Jestinia
    Jestinia Posts: 1,153 Member
    Dexaprine causes hairy ballitis in male rodents. After ingestion, monkeys consumed their own feces, and worse, seemed to enjoy the flavor! Female rats experienced kidney nefertiti. Female human suffered Virgo when standing suddenly. Stay away!