are you diabetic?

I would like to here from you if your diabetic and how you are dealing with it, i myself have type 2 and would like more friend with the diabetes type 1 or type 2 feel free to add me also


  • Linda8989
    Linda8989 Posts: 39 Member
    I used to be diabetic, before I started losing weight. Once I got about 50 lbs down, I was able to get off of the oral meds. Now, I only need to check my sugar every 2 wks or so, and they always stay within range. I also walk, which I'm sure has helped to keep things in check. Are you taking meds?
  • michelleborman50
    michelleborman50 Posts: 45 Member
    I am a Type 2 taking 4 insulin shots a day. But I was able to lose about 50lbs and then I was able to go off the shots. However, Once I got the first 50 off I was not able to lose any more even though I was in the 250's. Now the weight is slowly coming back and my insulin levels are starting to show it.
  • Italian_Buju
    Italian_Buju Posts: 8,030 Member
    I have been a type one diabetic for 26 years, I take 7 shots a day.....well controlled.....keep on top of it and things can be contained for a long time.....
  • AwesomeGuy37
    AwesomeGuy37 Posts: 436 Member
    T2. Controlled with lower carb diet. Never any meds. January I had A1C done and was at 5.5%.
  • Fredducharme
    Fredducharme Posts: 17 Member
    was, however dropped 63#'s, been good for 7 months, only 1 bad habit...too much drink, hence once I gain 3 #'s , i elinimate it and return back to normal after 3-4 days. I exercise 5 days per week 30-45 minutes fairly intense
  • sdelauney
    sdelauney Posts: 1
    It's so heartening to hear that the weight loss has helped you. I have just been diagnosed Type 2 and am trying the 25% Protein/45% carbs eating with reduced kj for the next 8 weeks to try to get the kilos off.
  • kate_tee
    kate_tee Posts: 7
    yup :(
  • Canuname
    Canuname Posts: 182 Member
    Type 2, I am off all my cholesterol, High blood pressure and diabetes medications now. It is really amazing what weight loss can do. I still have about 70 LBS to go, but still, but working on it. Just took a blood sugar this morning and it was 105.
  • joychaos
    joychaos Posts: 4
    type 1 here. i am on an insulin pump. numbers have really improved since switching to novolin would think different I know i did. I take care of my own diabetes alone and have for 5 years. I dont have any insurance so going to the doctors isnt really something I can do anymore. I've been diabetic since december 2006.

    eating in moderation really is key. you can have all that you want just know when to stop lol. sometimes i get a little carried away. and enjoy too much pie or cookies, worth it at the time, pisses me off that i cant get my numbers down for a day though