When your hearts not in it...



  • magglett
    magglett Posts: 2,000
    Just get up and do it! Stop wallering in your self pity and do something about it! I lost over 50 pounds and I know you guys can reach whatever goals you want to. You just have to believe in yourself!!!! You don't need anyone else to motivate you. You need only yourself! So put down the twinkie and get to steppin!
    P.S. Hope that didn't come off as harsh. Just trying to help! if you need some help with anything at all, just ask!

    LOL ... Harsh? Well yes. True? Well yes. You look awesome by the way. Much happier then you did in your earlier pictures. Good work.
  • lilRicki
    lilRicki Posts: 4,555 Member
    Just get up and do it! Stop wallering in your self pity and do something about it! I lost over 50 pounds and I know you guys can reach whatever goals you want to. You just have to believe in yourself!!!! You don't need anyone else to motivate you. You need only yourself! So put down the twinkie and get to steppin!
    P.S. Hope that didn't come off as harsh. Just trying to help! if you need some help with anything at all, just ask!

    LOL ... Harsh? Well yes. True? Well yes. You look awesome by the way. Much happier then you did in your earlier pictures. Good work.

    yeah but sometimes harsh works...Jillian Michaels isn't exactly the nicest person out there...she rather scares me actually...but sometimes being sweet and nice is just fodder for slacking...being harsh and realistic might get someone up off the couch...i for one would say "up yours" but i don't like sweet and cute either...a simple good job, or you can do it would suffice lol
  • roylawrence87
    roylawrence87 Posts: 970 Member
    Just get up and do it! Stop wallering in your self pity and do something about it! I lost over 50 pounds and I know you guys can reach whatever goals you want to. You just have to believe in yourself!!!! You don't need anyone else to motivate you. You need only yourself! So put down the twinkie and get to steppin!
    P.S. Hope that didn't come off as harsh. Just trying to help! if you need some help with anything at all, just ask!

    LOL ... Harsh? Well yes. True? Well yes. You look awesome by the way. Much happier then you did in your earlier pictures. Good work.

    Thanks for the compliment! Just trying to be real! Thats how I do it! Its been working for me. I didn't get to where im at by being soft. Im as hard a rock when it comes to this. And stay away from the scale might do it too.
  • NeuroticVirgo
    NeuroticVirgo Posts: 3,671 Member
    Sometimes I think 'motivation' is overrated. Motivation is like lust: it only lasts so long, and then you have to depend on friendship and shared common goals and values to make a relationship work. I'm trying to think of me and my body working together towards the shared goal of being healthier. I'm tired of not liking my body and treating it as an enemy. So ya, some days the motivation isn't there, but I've made a committment to me, and I'm sticking with it.

    I can see your point...man...me and my body must need to see a relationship counselor lol