Cardio exercises for a lass with a busted foot???

TLDR: Busted my achilles tendon jogging. How long until I can jog again? Will this become a chronic condition? What cardio exercises can I do without putting strain on my foot?

I've recently gotten into jogging, broken through the wall and found an exercise that I enjoy and makes me feel good about myself. I'd accomplished things I never thought possible and felt great. Hoooowever, as the days went on and my fitness and endurance increased I began running longer distances and have injured my achilles tendon. I am devistated. As someone who could only run for a minute before getting a stitch and wanting to turn back I've now reached the point where I'd go for a 4 mile run daily and love it.

Being a rookie, although I have decent and appropriate running shoes, I'd been running on the pavement and uphill. About 2 miles into a 4 mile jog last week I felt my achilles tendon become sore. But I didn't think to stop, to stop would be letting myself down. I mean, my calves hurt as did my glutes, I just assumed that part of my body was getting a work out instead of recognising it as a warning sign to stop and walk.

I left it 4 days, kept it evelated and rested as much as possible. For the first 2 days I had to walk with a limp but by the third it only hurt when I walked down stairs and by the fourth it felt fine but I left it another day just in case. On the fifth day I jogged again and didn't encounter any problems. But later that day had to sprint for a train and it's become sore again.

I strength train at the gym 3 times a week and this does not affect my achilles, I do stiff leg dead lifts which apparently strengthen the tendon and calve stretches every day (again no pain when doing this). I can do calve raises with no pain and the tendon only feels sore I walk.

I am absolutely gutted especially as a former cardio hater. I've only been jogging for 2 weeks and the pounds have been falling off with this addition to my work out. If anyone can recommend some form of cardio exercises that I can do which will help me burn those extra cals while letting my ankle rest that'd be great. Also some kind words wouldn't go a miss because as I said earlier, I am honestly devistated. The thought of not being able to jog is really bumming me out.

Sorry for the essay guys!


  • asciiqwerty
    asciiqwerty Posts: 565 Member
    hey I busted my tendon when I was younger - ouch

    for how long until you can jog again? << get advice from your treating doctor of physio based on your recovery, also ask them about stretches and ankle warm ups you can do

    in the mean time - you may be able to swim and cycle (probably static bike)

    in the pool you can work without your feet, with or without a pull boy depending on how well you float and swim

    i'm hypermodile and often have pain when I kick when i swim, I do 1km twice a week and probably do more than half of it without using my legs and without a pullboy (i float quite well)