sigh...another question.



  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    So I have been generally following all this talk about eating exerciese cals, not eating them, eating some, etc. and I realize that it might be an individual thing where I just have to see whats right for me. My situation is a little unique in that I like to exercise at night or at the end of my day. I also like to stop eating by 7pm if possible. so I have this conflict where I earn all my exercise calories late in the day when I really dont/cant eat them. so is it ok to not eat them back? I really dont see my schedule changing anytime soon, besides the fact that I simply like exercising later in the day...any other solutions? I dont want to amp up the cals during the day cause it just feels like too much...hmmm..

    Here's what I do: First, I have a goal of how many calories I am going to burn in a week and generally know each day how many I will burn, even if I exercise late. So, I plan my menu to get all the fruits and veggies and protein and whole grains, etc., and even work in a treat if I'm in the mood for it. Then I make sure my exercise covers any excess calories.

    If I have extra left over at the end of a day (say I exercised and ate and have 500 calories left), I don't sweat it if I go over on another day.

    I don't really make a point of eating exercise calories, but at the same time, if I'm hungry or want a treat, I'll eat and make sure it's covered. I do this because I want to live the rest of my life maintaining my loss, and giving things up or starving all the time are not options.

    It's totally an individual thing. You may find you have better losses and are happier NOT eating them, or you may find you have better losses and are happier eating them. You just kind of have to mess around with it and see what works.
  • GorillaNJ
    GorillaNJ Posts: 4,052 Member
    I work out at night too after work. I usually don't get done until around 8 - 8:30 pm but I try and get 1200 calories before I work out and then have a protien shake after my work out. The protien shake is around 220 calories and will fill me up so I am not hungry until I go to bed around 10-11pm and through out the night.

    That was going to be my suggestion, I was amazed how much a protein shake helps with weight loss either before or after a workout.

    It gives your body the fuel to burn calories by building muscles.
  • FemininGuns
    FemininGuns Posts: 605 Member
    I agree with eating post workout. Your body needs something to repair and by not eating, you might not be helping yourself. Maybe you're helping the numbers on the scale, but not your body.

    If you chose to eat a "snack" after you workout, you can eat 5 egg whites OR a protein shake with some berries.

    I have been eating in the evening since July. Just because I burn many cals (from 400-600) and even though I don't feel hungry, I still eat my last snack. I am happy I do this cause I don't feel as starved/sluggish the next morning/day.

    Good luck!