Totally lost my motivation



  • MaryJane_8810002
    MaryJane_8810002 Posts: 2,082 Member
    I lost my motivation and then I saw this picture:

  • scarrletti_girl
    scarrletti_girl Posts: 479 Member
    same here i want to loose the weight but the motivation just is gone i just wanna eat eat eat and do no exercise.

    but for sure today should be that day to get back into it!
  • RavenLibra
    RavenLibra Posts: 1,737 Member
    it isn't about weight loss folks... IT IS about developing a healthy sustainable fitness oriented lifestyle... sitting around getting fat doesn't take effort or motivation... living your LIFE with purpose does... and if you are NOT doing it for that Higher Purpose.. then by all means drop back on the couch with a beer or a soda and a BIG family size bag of cheetohs... you have seen the alternative in the mirror which brough tyou here... MOTIVATION IS AN INTERNAL THING you won't find it out here... Now suck it up Princess(es).

    or crawl back onto the couch spud
  • RavenLibra
    RavenLibra Posts: 1,737 Member
    TOO BUSY? I went from a 40 hour work week to 60 (and a 2.5 hour commute each day)... and I actually increased MY gym time and cardio gains during that time... IF you want more energy the answer is work-out... if you are tired... listless... bored... be bored on a cardio machine... and challenge yourself on that machine to go farther, go faster, go longer... the answer to fitness is NEVER less... give more to get more
  • whovian67
    whovian67 Posts: 608 Member
    Just Do IT !!!!! You can do this... maybe your mind is in other places. .LIKE A WEDDING IN 4 WEEKS !!!! Go rock climbing or something you enjoy......step away from the junk food !
  • rieann84
    rieann84 Posts: 511 Member
    It's okay to give your body a rest from working out sometimes. And how crappy was the crap food you ate? Probably not as bad as you're making it seem. I don't like to set specific goals for important dates, I just don't like that kind of pressure. I realize that this is a lifestyle change and its about never giving up and rolling with the punches, Keep on toward your ultimate goal and enjoy that wedding.
  • Shock_Wave
    Shock_Wave Posts: 1,573 Member
    No idea why, just really struggled over the past few weeks, have ended up eating crap and doing pretty much zero exercise. Haven't dared weigh myself.

    4 weeks to go to the wedding, no way I'm going to hit my target weight for it (although, I've lost enough to be happy about it). Really need to get back on it and try to lose at least another 7lbs by then though,

    Good thing she wanted to marry your before this then huh.:laugh: . Sounds like your burning the candle at both ends as you are all gung ho with every thing all at once and burning out. Kinda happens when you want rush things that take time. Regroup and re plan your routine to make a little more manageable. Even the days you don't exercise and eat like crap keep your weight loss diet cals in check ultimately that's how weight loss is done.