Not new to MFP, but newly committed! I need support!



  • I had a MFP before but createda new one yesterday. I have lost 30 pounds since February and I have really gotten into working out, but like you I eat healthy for the first 3/4 of the day then around dinner I feel like I deserve a drink with dinner and that leads to "well I worked out so I can totally have a bit or 12 of the hubbs snack" So I decided I needed to refocus on eating. Day 1 and so far so good! lol
  • monalissanne
    monalissanne Posts: 159 Member
    Me too. I lost 95 pounds the year before last. Got a boyfriend and a back injury and gained 35 back. Now almost a year and a half later I am finishing what I started. My ultimate goal was 120 lbs, and right now I have about 60 pounds to go again.

    I think I sometimes have the same problem that you did - if I can't measure my food somewhere, I don't want to go and be tempted. That being said, I do allow myself some liberty for "date night," and try to be super strict during the week.

    I used to be a runner, but now I am post-surgery so have to find other things to do. I used to be able to run five miles and I want to be able to do that again without hurting myself.

    I go back to my endocrinologist in 80 days, and my short term goal is to lose at least half of what I gained back before then.
  • Jim_G10
    Jim_G10 Posts: 132
    Hey just stick at it! It's hard but you have to remain strong!

    So true....
    There will be ups and downs but that is when your friends support is most important.
    Good luck.