Possible Switch from Sparkpeople to Myfitnesspal?

Hi everyone ..

I've been using sparkpeople to track my food since my rny surgery in June 2013 ... though I looked into this tracker in the past, I'm thinking it's time to switch things up and try it out ...

You all are on here, how do you like it? What are the best parts? I'm hoping to include my exercise and see how it affects the amount of calories I need to consume to continue to lose weight and hit my goal.

I am always looking for positive feedback ... and being committed and sharing the journey is what I think is needed for long term success!



  • Chain_Ring
    Chain_Ring Posts: 753 Member
    Try it and see if you like it. Who cares what other people say?
  • SnuggleSmacks
    SnuggleSmacks Posts: 3,731 Member
    I track on MFP because it has a larger food database and the ability to enter food through scanning the barcode with my camera phone. I love SparkPeople's recipes and articles, though.
  • holliehatesyou
    holliehatesyou Posts: 85 Member
    I've been a member of Spark since '08, and I still go there, but I needed to mix things up.

    I do like the food database here much better. And there are fewer weird smilies.
  • SoDamnHungry
    SoDamnHungry Posts: 6,998 Member
    I like the tracking system on MFP. It's easy to use.

    I don't think the community is great for inexperienced people because whenever people ask innocent questions or need help, they end up getting a bunch of snarky *kitten* replies. The snarky *kitten* are funny though, so if you can take the forums with a grain of salt or just become one, you'll enjoy the site.
  • SCV34
    SCV34 Posts: 2,048 Member
    Best part is the support I get from my friends on here. I give them support and it is given back two fold from them:smile:

    Aside from that, I love being able to track the nutrional value of the foods I eat. I hit my weight loss goal and then some a month ago.

    Good luck!
  • SoosannahK
    SoosannahK Posts: 238 Member
    I've used both. I still log in at SP to get my points and such and see what friends are up to, but I log everything here. It is just more compatible for me in using my activity tracker and my running apps. Mine do not work on SP. Also, like everyone said already, bigger food database.
  • ButterflyEffectLiz
    ButterflyEffectLiz Posts: 35 Member
    YOU can scan using a bar code? Please point in the direction to find out how to do that. Thanx
  • Me2FitMe
    Me2FitMe Posts: 1,285 Member
    I came from Sparkpeople... like MFP so much more :)
  • lrmall01
    lrmall01 Posts: 377 Member
    If you like to do additional analysis on your data, then LoseIt is a better tool in my opinion. MFP lacks the ability to export CSV files and I've ended up not tracking my weight, bodyfat, etc. in their app as a result.

    The MFP database is hit or miss in my opinion. A lot of entries are incorrect user submissions. I'd be happy with fewer but correct entries personally.

    The best part though is the social aspect of MFP. If you want to make virtual internet friends for motivation then MFP is very good at that.
  • lrmall01
    lrmall01 Posts: 377 Member
    YOU can scan using a bar code? Please point in the direction to find out how to do that. Thanx

    It is only available on the smartphone apps. When you go to add an entry in your diary, there is a little bar code symbol in the lower right hand corner that you can select to go to the camera and scan the barcode.
  • BrainyBurro
    BrainyBurro Posts: 6,129 Member
    most people say that they find MFP to be better and easier to use than either Plenty of Fish or OKCupid.

  • kbessey04
    kbessey04 Posts: 17

    I am actually a member of both. I use myfitnesspal to track my food and fitness because their database is much much much larger! But Sparkpeople is so much more interesting. I love the e-mails, and the app, and all of the fun articles it produces to help everyone at any level. I think dipping your toes in the waters that are myfitnesspal will prove to be rewarding, but keeping your other foot in Sparkpeople will help keep you in a place you know.
  • chivalryder
    chivalryder Posts: 4,391 Member
    For tracking, Sparkpeople is miles ahead of MFP. The options and customization is vastly superior. MFP seems to be a lot more for people who are just getting into it and really have no idea where to start. If you've done your research and actually know a decent amount about how much you should be consuming to lose weight, SP is significantly better.
  • sophiek1964
    sophiek1964 Posts: 79 Member
    I switched from Sparkpeople to My Fitness Pal about 2 years ago and like it here much better. I especially like that it gives you a specific amount of calories that you can eat on here and then adds on your exercise calores that you can also eat back every day. It was confusing at Sparkpeople that they gave me a 300 calorie range that I could eat i.e., 1300 - 1600 calories per day.

    I also like that you can have a list of "friends" on MFP and that it's easy to interact with them. Finally, you can't beat the newsfeed for support and encouragement on MFP.

    I must say that I like the message boards at Sparkpeople must better though.

    Welcome and hope you enjoy your experience here!
  • sophiek1964
    sophiek1964 Posts: 79 Member
    YOU can scan using a bar code? Please point in the direction to find out how to do that. Thanx

    The bar code scanner is on the smartphone app.
  • UtahWI
    UtahWI Posts: 257 Member
    I have been a SP member since 2009. I like the smartphone app here better, it was easier for me to use. But overall I like their site better, it is more interesting with all the articles, videos, etc. The forums...some are more active than others, I really like a couple of my groups here. There is less snarky attitude on the general forums over there. I have been tracking here but going over there lately to moonlight on their exercise videos, as I am really restricted by surgery and they have a whole series of videos geared to people who have to do their resistance work sitting down. I think that is awesome. Also, love their blogs and recipes. If I was always just entering stuff on a computer I would probably go back over there all the time. But I also got my husband into it over here, he loves apps and using his phone and cares less about that other stuff, so I will probably keep tracking here and keep visiting there. LOL.

    I also found their goals for me to be more realistic and doable. I like that they give a range...
  • kilgore67
    kilgore67 Posts: 40
    I was on MFP 1st. I have an account on Sparkpeople but I don't use it. I do like the recipes and exercise videos that Sparkpeople sends to my e-mail address on Yahoo. So I feel that I have the best of both!

    Michelle in Ohio
  • chriamaria
    chriamaria Posts: 76 Member
    I made the switch for SP to MFP in December and have been so happy about it! I still log in to SP every now and again, but I like the community aspect of MFP better. I do like the favorites list on SP better though, this one here on MFP really sucks in my opinion. As for the one person who suggested loseit, I disagree. Loseit sucks. The only good thing about loseit is that they show you your whole week and tell you how many calories over/under you are for the entire week as opposed to just daily. Apparently that exists on the phone app here, but if you only use PC like me its useless. Oh, and the good features about loseit are available at a charge of $30 per year. No thanks.

    The biggest thing about MFP though that I have seen with myself is consisistancy. I was never motivated with any of the other sites to log every single day, but with MFP I am. Once you make friends and start posting your food journal you can get a lot of feedback on the foods that you are eating (which is usually pretty positive. There are nill to none crazy dieters who think that you can't have treats or whatever) as long as you make your food journal public. The setting that tells you how many days you've logged in is pretty great too. It posts every five days on your feed so that your friends can congratulate you on your sticking to it.

    Good luck with your decision!
  • DevSanchez
    DevSanchez Posts: 314 Member
    I recently made the same switch. I will never go back after finding MFP! I think both have very different appeals. I like SP because of the articles and videos. The aspect of MFP that is most appealing- and that won me over- is the community. There is so much support here. If your seeking education SP it is. If your seeking support, then I'd recommend MFP. I will however add MFP's support community does come with a hell of alot of education as well....and better yet comes from real people who experienced the journey first hand!