Trying to lose weight and I gained

So I'm 226pounds and 2 months ago I was 209...I workout almost everyday and I thought I was eating healthy...what can I do to lose this weight is it possible for the weight I gained to be water? I had just lost all that weight and now I'm just disappointed


  • Jestinia
    Jestinia Posts: 1,153 Member
    So I'm 226pounds and 2 months ago I was 209...I workout almost everyday and I thought I was eating healthy...what can I do to lose this weight is it possible for the weight I gained to be water? I had just lost all that weight and now I'm just disappointed

    Doesn't matter how healthy you eat, you still have to eat at a deficit. Get a food scale, weigh and track everything and track your exercise as accurately as possible.
  • SnuggleSmacks
    SnuggleSmacks Posts: 3,731 Member
    It may be that you're eating more than you thought. Are you logging everything you eat? Are you sure about the portion sizes? How are you measuring them? Are you sort of eyeballing and guessing, using measuring cups?

    The most accurate way to measure your food is with a digital food scale. Get one which has a tare function (sets the weight back to zero after you put a bowl or plate on it, so you're not measuring the bowl or plate) and has different units of measurement (grams and ounces are important).

    You'll be surprised at what an actual portion is of many things, and you'll be angry at how inaccurate some food packaging is. For example, just yesterday I measured out a few potatoes which were supposed to be 90 calories for a serving of 148g or about 4 potatoes. I found that only 2 potatoes equaled 148g, so I added another potato to make it an even 200 grams and called it a day. Imagine if I ate those potatoes regularly and relied on the package, eating 4 potatoes every day while getting twice the calories I though I was getting.