hello newbie here

hello im becky im 26 and from kent, i have been struggling for about 6 years with my weigh,t i was a happy size 14 and ate what i liked till i met my wonderful boyfriend and got a little too comfortable in his presence and tried to eat when he did (he is one of the lucky ones who can cram himself full of take outs and junk food never puts weight on) i hate that haha,
anyway i tired to keep up with him and i did for a while i didn't notice at first that i was putting weight on, to cut a long story short it is now six years down the line and i have put far to much weight on i am not happy
i have tried to diet before but i just dont have much will power i guess i just expected the fairys to come in the night and take the fat away but alas thats not happened yet haha, i am currently trying to eat a healthier diet eating more fruit and veg and not binge on junk food like chocolate (mmmmm chocolate) i think about food 24/7 and im seriously fed up there must be more to life than thinking about my next food fix, we have got a treadmill here at home and i am currently doing 30 minutes a day of walking at 4mph i also try to keep active with house work and instead of taking the car i walk to the shops and sometimes walk home depending how heavy my shopping bags are.
anyway i am just popping on to say hi and im looking for people in the same boat as me who can relate to how i feel, please feel free to message me any advice is welcome,

many thanks


  • cynthiapick
    cynthiapick Posts: 49 Member
    Hi Becky
    Just read your post. I maybe older that you but I can relate to everything you say. I am starting back as from tomorrow and would love to offer support and swap ideas. I live in Yorkshire
  • keytostart
    keytostart Posts: 7
    I'm in the same boat. I slowly gained my weight after losing it in the Summer after meeting my boyfriend and eating out a lot. Also due to the cold weather I got lazy.
  • cwalflower
    cwalflower Posts: 15 Member
    Same here with keeping up with bf's eating habits, and now also dissatisfied with my body. I've been on MFP for awhile but have gone through a long period of not using it. But tracking food and exercise on here really helps me and last time I was using MFP daily (and pre boyfriend) I lost 20 lbs. So I'm glad you've joined MFP and wish you luck meeting your goals! I've gotten bf on board with some of the healthy eating, or at least creating an environment more conducive to my healthy eating, which has been good for the most part. Have you been trying to involve your boyfriend in some of your new goals? Or trying to go about it on your own?
  • rebecca7488
    rebecca7488 Posts: 15 Member
    hello thanks for all replying, i found out today some upsetting news, the scales i had been weighing my self on was broken i used some new ones today and i am a bit heavier than i was two days ago, its a little step back but it just means i have a little further to go to reach my goal, i am rather lucky with my boyfriend he is very supportive and always reminding me to push my self on the treadmill and not give in at the first hurdle like i would normaly , i think we eat a rather healthy diet of main meals with fresh vegetables it is normally the junk food i have a problem with as i am a stay at home mum to four dogs i get bored and when i get bored i eat junk, also i have a issue with the portion sizes ian eats alot and likes his food so i always end up making lots of food and i hate waste so i end up scoffing the left overs sometimes going back for 2nd helpings, :( but that is in my past i am starting a fresh and my will power will not cave in, i have brought a few fitness dvds one is 21 days fat burn my friend lost 4 stone by using that dvd so i am hoping it will help me too,

    thank you for your suport,xx