Got pregnant & fell off COMPLETELY.

Looking for some motivation and inspiration to get back going again. I became pregnant with my husband and I's first child together in October 2013. Now, 7 months pregnant I'm not working out and not eating properly. I lost 90 pounds before getting pregnant... 90. Now, I barely can say I've lost 20 all together. I'm ashamed. Embarressed. I always told myself that I would LOVE being pregnant and I would continue to workout and be healthy. I also told myself that I would NOT go back to 'old me'. I went crazy. I let myelf 'eat for two' which is a complete myth.. And I let myself splurge... more than a couple times a week. Ugh! I'm not about excuses but when I first found out I was pregnant I decided to take a 'week' off and just celebrate! Then I became sick- like really sick with the flu stuff for about 3 months and then I became tired and having morning sickness and evening sickness... Now I'm just plain feeling fat and lazy! I need to get motivated again and MFP is where I turn... So, here is my question:
Taking a couple months off of working out during pregnancy, do you think I could get back into it right now (or should I)?
I just want to feel good and look good and not be so lethargic al the time. (And yes, I know that sounded very whiney.)



  • GorgeouslyGRN
    I was instructed during my pregnancy to resume what I had been doing. I think get in a routine of maybe some walking, but nothing to vigorous since you haven't been active the whole time. Walking is one of the best pregnancy exercises especially when it comes to labor (BONUS!). If your wanting to get things started I would suggest getting yourself walking and it will be a great starter for getting in an active routine and helping your Labor process. =)