
About 2 months ago, I started going to a weight loss clinic who suggested phentermine. Instead of doing my research on this, I jumped at this opportunity right away. A couple weeks after I had started taking it, I was having extremely sharp pains and I was finding it difficult to breathe. I had contacted the weight loss clinic to inform them of what was going on.. and they said that phentermine does not cause this.. so I pushed it aside and went on. This past Tuesday, after losing close to 30 lbs, I had another experience to having sharp pains, difficulty breathing, hot flashes, shaking, and I almost passed out.. I was rushed to the hospital by ambulance. And since have stopped taking the Phentermine. To make a long story short, I URGE people not to take this drug. It is NOT the right way. Please do your research, it does more harm to your body than good and I definitely learned my lesson. If it wasn't for me calling people telling them that I couldn't breathe, I probably wouldn't be alive today.


  • fivethreeone
    fivethreeone Posts: 8,196 Member
    From your user name, I'd expect you to already know the dangers of drugs.
  • Shock_Wave
    Shock_Wave Posts: 1,573 Member
    About 2 months ago, I started going to a weight loss clinic who suggested phentermine. Instead of doing my research on this, I jumped at this opportunity right away. A couple weeks after I had started taking it, I was having extremely sharp pains and I was finding it difficult to breathe. I had contacted the weight loss clinic to inform them of what was going on.. and they said that phentermine does not cause this.. so I pushed it aside and went on. This past Tuesday, after losing close to 30 lbs, I had another experience to having sharp pains, difficulty breathing, hot flashes, shaking, and I almost passed out.. I was rushed to the hospital by ambulance. And since have stopped taking the Phentermine. To make a long story short, I URGE people not to take this drug. It is NOT the right way. Please do your research, it does more harm to your body than good and I definitely learned my lesson. If it wasn't for me calling people telling them that I couldn't breathe, I probably wouldn't be alive today.

    Strange it happened only 2x during the whole course of you taking it. Do you have any allergies to food or anything possibly as you may regroup and see if there was some thing similar you may have did the first time this happened out side of the drug.
    Congrats on your weight loss and enjoy breathing and being alive no matter if your over weight or not.
  • AliceDark
    AliceDark Posts: 3,886 Member
    From your user name, I'd expect you to already know the dangers of drugs.
  • 120by30
    120by30 Posts: 217 Member
    So glad you are okay!!

    There are still going to be multiple posts per day from people asking if phentermine is effective. People don't care so much if something is safe. They just want to know if it works. I'll be bookmarking your thread for the next person I see inquiring about this drug.
  • breakingbad01
    breakingbad01 Posts: 8 Member
    From your user name, I'd expect you to already know the dangers of drugs.

    Just because I watched a TV show doesn't mean anything. Pretty sure Meth is completely different than Phentermine. And I didn't post this topic to be funny.

    Also, Shockwave - it didn't happen twice, last month it went on for about 5 days straight, but it only happened in the morning. And I just blew it off as nothing. Then it happened again on Tuesday and I called the clinic again who tried to make me an appointment but I didn't make it because I was taken to the hospital.
  • ILiftHeavyAcrylics
    ILiftHeavyAcrylics Posts: 27,732 Member
    When Vioxx was new I took it for joint pain. I had heart palpitations and called my doc, who told me that Vioxx doesn't cause that. A few months later it was pulled off the market for wait for it . . . heart palpitations.

    Glad you're alright.
  • fivethreeone
    fivethreeone Posts: 8,196 Member
    From your user name, I'd expect you to already know the dangers of drugs.

    ...Pretty sure Meth is completely different than Phentermine....

    You'd be wrong.

    Phentermine is a psychostimulant classed as an amphetamine, which is a parent classification including...wait for it...methamphetamine. They are substantially similar, and information about the potential dangers of Phentermine is widely available for those who do the research.

    I'm glad you're okay.
  • ShrinkinMel
    ShrinkinMel Posts: 982 Member
    Watching it has little to do with what a person actually does. Sure many probably do use or have used. I've seen some episodes of it as well as all of Weeds and have never tried either of them. Not even once.

    Sure it seems common sense that meds are not always safe though people get desperate.
  • leggup
    leggup Posts: 2,942 Member
    Watching it has little to do with what a person actually does. Sure many probably do use or have used. I've seen some episodes of it as well as all of Weeds and have never tried either of them. Not even once.

    Sure it seems common sense that meds are not always safe though people get desperate.

    I am 99.9999999% sure that the person pointing out the username was doing it for the lawls.
  • jofjltncb6
    jofjltncb6 Posts: 34,415 Member
    I'm curious...

    ...what color is phentermine?
  • I just started phentermine yesterday after much research and a great doctor watching me closely I feel positive about taking the pill for a boost of energy and keeps me from over eating. Which is my problem I like to binge eat. But I have no appetite now it gives me energy so I have exercised yesterday and today I feel amazing. And lost 2 lbs. But I'm eating healthy and exercising with the pill. I'm not solely relying on phentermine because I know I need to get on track with a diet and exercise plan for when I am taken off of phentermine.
  • Sharon_C
    Sharon_C Posts: 2,132 Member
    I'm curious...

    ...what color is phentermine?

    Hopefully not blue.
  • 120by30
    120by30 Posts: 217 Member
    I just started phentermine yesterday after much research and a great doctor watching me closely I feel positive about taking the pill for a boost of energy and keeps me from over eating. Which is my problem I like to binge eat. But I have no appetite now it gives me energy so I have exercised yesterday and today I feel amazing. And lost 2 lbs. But I'm eating healthy and exercising with the pill. I'm not solely relying on phentermine because I know I need to get on track with a diet and exercise plan for when I am taken off of phentermine.

    Please learn from the OP and others who learned the hard way. Stop now!
  • SLLRunner
    SLLRunner Posts: 12,942 Member
    About 2 months ago, I started going to a weight loss clinic who suggested phentermine. Instead of doing my research on this, I jumped at this opportunity right away. A couple weeks after I had started taking it, I was having extremely sharp pains and I was finding it difficult to breathe. I had contacted the weight loss clinic to inform them of what was going on.. and they said that phentermine does not cause this.. so I pushed it aside and went on. This past Tuesday, after losing close to 30 lbs, I had another experience to having sharp pains, difficulty breathing, hot flashes, shaking, and I almost passed out.. I was rushed to the hospital by ambulance. And since have stopped taking the Phentermine. To make a long story short, I URGE people not to take this drug. It is NOT the right way. Please do your research, it does more harm to your body than good and I definitely learned my lesson. If it wasn't for me calling people telling them that I couldn't breathe, I probably wouldn't be alive today.
    What an ordeal. I'm glad to hear you are okay, though. Hopefully some of the people who use weight loss drugs will read this and make a decision to no longer use them.
  • 1princesswarrior
    1princesswarrior Posts: 1,242 Member
    I'm also glad you are okay. Unfortunately people want a quick fix and often don't think about side effects.
  • recesq
    recesq Posts: 154 Member
    White w/ blue specks.
  • recesq
    recesq Posts: 154 Member
    If some people have side effects and the majority of others do not, should we urge everybody not to take it?
    If that's the case, no drug would be on the market.
  • phenFatty
    phenFatty Posts: 9
    Sounds like we are on the same journey....I'm keeping track of mine. Hope you will follow my blog and add your comments about your experience!
    This is the 2nd time I'm doing Phentermine. You're right when you say you can't solely rely on phentermine. The first time I did and barely ate and got very sick. I learned my lesson!
  • phenFatty
    phenFatty Posts: 9
    I just started phentermine yesterday after much research and a great doctor watching me closely I feel positive about taking the pill for a boost of energy and keeps me from over eating. Which is my problem I like to binge eat. But I have no appetite now it gives me energy so I have exercised yesterday and today I feel amazing. And lost 2 lbs. But I'm eating healthy and exercising with the pill. I'm not solely relying on phentermine because I know I need to get on track with a diet and exercise plan for when I am taken off of phentermine.

    Sounds like we are on the same journey....I'm keeping track of mine. Hope you will follow my blog and add your comments about your experience!
    This is the 2nd time I'm doing Phentermine. You're right when you say you can't solely rely on phentermine. The first time I did and barely ate and got very sick. I learned my lesson!