Metformin and weight loss ( diabetic )

Lil history : I was diagnosed Diabetic a year and a half ago. I quit smoking 10 months ago - My A1c was prediabetic. . Had a scare with a reading in the middle of the day of 44 for my BG . I guess I was white as a sheet and ya had to get some reg pop into my system. So i stopped the morning pill per doctor orders.

Now- I gained back like 20 or so lbs - I have a kidney infection so right now my BG is bad so I'm back on 2xs a day right now for the met .. I talked to my NEW doctor and he said yes go back on the 2xs a day but I'm worried about it going low again soo terrified . I work out everyday with walking. aerobics to small 10 lbs weights and the elliptical. Has anyone stopped the met and gained weight from being taken off it? Some feedback would be appreciated .
Thank you


  • emsmom8
    emsmom8 Posts: 76 Member
    Metformin does cause some initial weight loss but all controlled studies have shown that it levels off after 6 months (therefore it is not considered a weight loss drug). Its benefit is that it is one of the few medicines for diabetes that is weight neutral. Because metformin only improves your insulin sensitivity but does not actually cause insulin release it has a low risk for hypoglycemia so I wouldn't really worry about going too low again.
  • GlucernaBrand
    GlucernaBrand Posts: 486
    Having a low is definitely scary. Make sure you eat before you exercise, and also test your blood sugar before exercise. I have heard of some people who gained weight after stopping Metformin, but often there were also other factors in play such as a change in eating habits or exercise. This is a great question to discuss with your doctor. ~Lynn /Glucerna
  • MrsMohawk
    MrsMohawk Posts: 74 Member
    Thank you for replying

    I have talked to my doctor about it... I do test before exercising. I lost a couple lbs since taking 2 pills again . Yes quitting smoking probably made my diet not much of a diet back 10 months ago.. lol