What helps you to get a sufficient amount of water???



  • KseRz
    KseRz Posts: 980 Member
    I am no expert but from reading on the forums I think if you add cauliflower to your water, then you can call it pizza.
  • gobonas99
    gobonas99 Posts: 1,049 Member
    I drink 10-12 oz in the morning when I get up to take my thyroid meds.

    then I drink (more like chug, usually lol) between 12-16 oz before I eat (bfast, snack, lunch, snack, dinner) - that's 60-80 oz. I don't allow myself to eat if I haven't had my water yet.

    then another 20-60 oz during and after my workout, depending on how long and what my workout is (obvy, I need more water with a 3 hour brick workout than a 30 minute lifting routine).
  • KylaDenay
    KylaDenay Posts: 1,585 Member
    All great advice. I will get some enhancers. I guess I also never get the enhancers, cause I do not like juice at all. Unless it is 100% fruit juice and that I do not even drink unless its with vodka or rum haha.

    Right now you guys are making want to drink it and I am sipping on my bottle as I write this. Thanks!!
  • KylaDenay
    KylaDenay Posts: 1,585 Member
    I am no expert but from reading on the forums I think if you add cauliflower to your water, then you can call it pizza.

    :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: Yeah I read about that too! I would give that a try, but pizza water does not sound tasteful!
  • TeaBea
    TeaBea Posts: 14,517 Member
    get in a habit of taking a drink each time I enter my office at work, and the first thing in the AM I have two big glasses to start the day.
    After awhile it just becomes commonplace and routine.

    ^This....it will become a habit eventually.

    Instead of a big jug, maybe try a small glass or mug (less daunting). Keep a few rubber bands around it. Every time you drain the cup, remove a rubber band......they have those rubber band bracelets in cute colors. Goal is to remove all the rubber bands by the end of the day.

    Maybe use a Brita water filter. I have one at home that I keep in the fridge. I always have cold water ready.

    Mio & Crystal Light......sure they are mostly water. But they do have fake sugar, and citric acid......heartburn is a deal breaker for me.
  • wow, I thought it was just me...? I used to love drinking water prior to the surgery. However, now I can not drink it unless it is mixed with crystal light.
  • Goldenwoof
    Goldenwoof Posts: 535 Member
    I honestly don't know why so many people have so much trouble with their water intake. I've always got a refillable bottle with me and am constantly sipping on it throughout the day. It's right next to me, so I'll just grab it and have some. It's not like it tastes bad, or is hard to do.

    Not knocking anyone, of course...I just don't get it.

    Keep a bottle at your desk, on the table by your couch, on your nightstand by your bed, etc. Keep it around and hit it from time to time.
  • MyM0wM0w
    MyM0wM0w Posts: 2,008 Member
    In the morning when I take my meds/vitamins I always drink 8 oz.

    As soon as I get to work i fill up my water bottle and drink it before lunch. If I notice it's 10 or 11 and I'm only half done... I chug it. (that's 16 oz).

    I get down another 16 oz with my lunch.

    Right after lunch I refill the bottle again and drink it before I leave for home(another 16 ounces). That brings the total to 7 glasses.

    Two more glasses with dinner. Then one more just before I go to bed. That gets me 10 glasses of water per day.

    Am I always *THIRSTY*? No...... but I feel way better when I'm drinking this much and my blood tests always show a nice increase in kidney function (according to my Dr.) that I don't see if I skimp on my water.

    If for some reason I'm finding the idea of water TRULY repulsive (which does happen occasionally).. I'll drop a chunk of pineapple in it ... or a strawberry (lots of seeds though), or any other fruit. It gives it a nice flavor and at the end of the day I just toss the fruit out.
  • WaterBunnie
    WaterBunnie Posts: 1,370 Member
    Fruit and veg hold a lot of water too. It all counts.
  • KylaDenay
    KylaDenay Posts: 1,585 Member
    get in a habit of taking a drink each time I enter my office at work, and the first thing in the AM I have two big glasses to start the day.
    After awhile it just becomes commonplace and routine.

    ^This....it will become a habit eventually.

    Instead of a big jug, maybe try a small glass or mug (less daunting). Keep a few rubber bands around it. Every time you drain the cup, remove a rubber band......they have those rubber band bracelets in cute colors. Goal is to remove all the rubber bands by the end of the day.

    Maybe use a Brita water filter. I have one at home that I keep in the fridge. I always have cold water ready.

    Mio & Crystal Light......sure they are mostly water. But they do have fake sugar, and citric acid......heartburn is a deal breaker for me.

    I love that idea!......So it looks like I need colorful rubber bands, a pretty mug or glass, and enhancers.....And cauliflower if I wanted pizza water....hmmmm this helps!
  • holothuroidea
    holothuroidea Posts: 772 Member
    Maybe your not thirsty because you don't need water. Not everyone's water needs are the same, and for the most part the "drink more water!" campaign is a bit overblown.

    Do you have symptoms of dehydration? Is your urine dark in color and infrequent?

    If not, I wouldn't worry.
  • sunnyhlw77
    sunnyhlw77 Posts: 204 Member
    I force myself to drink my morning tea (its about 16 oz) before noon and the water from my water bottle (24 oz) in the afternoon and evening twice to thrice daily. I say force because I just forget to drink, I may be thirsty but I'm usually so intent on my work that I don't think about drinking anything, same goes with urination, I completely forget to go, so I really schedule those for just before work, coffee breaks, lunch breaks after work and at bedtime, LOL, its like a well oiled machine.
  • sk8trchk
    sk8trchk Posts: 44 Member
    I am no expert but from reading on the forums I think if you add cauliflower to your water, then you can call it pizza.

    That was funny...
  • sportyredhead01
    sportyredhead01 Posts: 482 Member
    I'm not sure if someone already recommended this.

    I don't like the Crystal Light flavor things (yes, I'm odd) but I find I drink more if I throw in some mint and a slice of lemon.

    Makes it feel fancy.:drinker:

    Oh and garnish with a piece of cauliflower. :laugh:
  • KylaDenay
    KylaDenay Posts: 1,585 Member
    Maybe your not thirsty because you don't need water. Not everyone's water needs are the same, and for the most part the "drink more water!" campaign is a bit overblown.

    Do you have symptoms of dehydration? Is your urine dark in color and infrequent?

    If not, I wouldn't worry.

    Yes I have been to the doctor and the ER for constant headaches just about every day. I was told that I need to drink more water, get enough sleep, and try to be stress free. I honestly drink maybe 4 oz and call it a day. Sometimes I go through the day with out any. All I will have is my coffee and that is it (on no workout days of course). I actually really need to be drinking a lot more water or I feel like crap.
  • KylaDenay
    KylaDenay Posts: 1,585 Member
    I am never thirsty. But, the thing is, if I don't drink, my eyes dry out, and I start having serious issues. I have to force myself to drink water. I feel better, but I feel like I'm drowning myself.

    For me, I just feel better by forcing myself to drink water. I don't get tired in the day when I drink a good amount.

    But, I can easily go 3 or 4 days with no water and feel good. And, not even think about it. then, one day, it hits me like a truck. And, my eyes are dry, I'm sleepy, and can't focus on anything. It's horrible. So, I just drown myself. I keep a 32oz cup at my desk, and my goal is to drink 2 of them a day. I usually get to 1 and 1/2, which is OK because I drink at the gym and at home after work.

    Yes this is how I am, except I get constant headaches daily, weak and tired. I keep my bottle with me and will not even notice it is there. I will notice that my coffee or glass of wine is there though.
  • I struggled with my water intake for a long time. I kept a 32oz cup with ice water at my desk all the time. However, I couldn't get myself to drink more than 1/2 to 3/4of it. Some times, I drank just a few sips for the day. Btw - I used to drink coffee daily and still do.

    There are a few things that work for me. (Found out via trial and error.)

    1) For me what works is keeping water on hand at all times. I have 2-24oz sport bottles that I keep filled and carry them with me. I drink them lukewarm and that helps me get more down. (As long as the water isn't nasty tasting. The bottles I use don't make the water taste like plastic, yay!) On days that I work out, I can drink at least 4-24oz bottles, which would be filling them both up twice.

    2) I also have a 33oz~ bottle that I keep filled up and in the car. (It's not always out in sun, so that's helpful lol.)

    3) A cup verses a normal bottle of water verses the sports bottle of water makes a difference for me. I can drink the sports bottle of water faster and more smoothly. It's less effort... go figure, so it mentally gets me drinking more.

    I average 10-12 cups (80-96oz) a day when I don't work out and 14-16 cups (112-128oz) a day when I work out.

    I tried to drink a cup an hour at work, didn't work. I dreaded the turn of every hour. Then I tried one cup every other hour. Same result. It's all about trial and error, and finding what works best for you.

    KylaDenay, I hope and pray you find a way that's best for you! :)

    PS - The 33oz~ bottle I mentioned is marked as 1 liter. The brand is "Nice!" by Wal-greens. I just refill it. The 24oz sport bottle I use is "Nestle Pure Life" bottle (700ml). Hope this helps!
  • KylaDenay
    KylaDenay Posts: 1,585 Member
    I struggled with my water intake for a long time. I kept a 32oz cup with ice water at my desk all the time. However, I couldn't get myself to drink more than 1/2 to 3/4of it. Some times, I drank just a few sips for the day. Btw - I used to drink coffee daily and still do.

    There are a few things that work for me. (Found out via trial and error.)

    1) For me what works is keeping water on hand at all times. I have 2-24oz sport bottles that I keep filled and carry them with me. I drink them lukewarm and that helps me get more down. (As long as the water isn't nasty tasting. The bottles I use don't make the water taste like plastic, yay!) On days that I work out, I can drink at least 4-24oz bottles, which would be filling them both up twice.

    2) I also have a 33oz~ bottle that I keep filled up and in the car. (It's not always out in sun, so that's helpful lol.)

    3) A cup verses a normal bottle of water verses the sports bottle of water makes a difference for me. I can drink the sports bottle of water faster and more smoothly. It's less effort... go figure, so it mentally gets me drinking more.

    I average 10-12 cups (80-96oz) a day when I don't work out and 14-16 cups (112-128oz) a day when I work out.

    I tried to drink a cup an hour at work, didn't work. I dreaded the turn of every hour. Then I tried one cup every other hour. Same result. It's all about trial and error, and finding what works best for you.

    KylaDenay, I hope and pray you find a way that's best for you! :)

    PS - The 33oz~ bottle I mentioned is marked as 1 liter. The brand is "Nice!" by Wal-greens. I just refill it. The 24oz sport bottle I use is "Nestle Pure Life" bottle (700ml). Hope this helps!

    Thank you so much!
  • Chezzie84
    Chezzie84 Posts: 873 Member
    I have a lemon and a lime in the fridge. When I have water I put a slice in it.
    Tastes nicer than just plain water.
  • whitebalance
    whitebalance Posts: 1,654 Member
    I use 32 ounce evian bottles and refill them over and over... They last a long time and they're the right size for me. I can just about chug a 32-ounce bottle if I'm really thirsty. Always room temperature or close to it... Hot water isn't as satisfying, and cold water is harder to chug.

    I drink half a bottle right before bedtime and keep the rest on the nightstand. I will usually wake up thirsty during the night; when I do, I finish the bottle. I keep a second bottle on the nightstand for when I get up. On a good day, that bottle will be drained before I get in the car.

    I take a bottle in the car, drink some during my commute, and drink the rest at work.

    When I lift weights, I have a bottle with me and I take sips between sets. My workout takes a little over a bottle.

    In Krav class, I drink between intervals when they tell us to. Again, a bottle per workout.

    The main trick for me is having enough full bottles available during the day, so I refill them from the RO filter in my sink at night.

    I only log water as water... If I put a tea bag in my water bottle, which I like to do, then it becomes tea and is not logged as water. I don't like to drink wart with my meals; I'd rather drink soda or tea. So yeah, I'm taking in a LOT of fluids every day. This helps offset my insane sodium intake, and both of those things help me stay comfortable in our desert climate.

    Sometimes I don't manage to follow this routine, and I have reason to regret it! If I don't get 6-8 cups of water at an absolute minimum, not counting other drinks, I will suffer. 12 cups or more is much better.