Hormone Imbalances and their effects on moods and drives

Grimmerick Posts: 3,342 Member
Anybody got any experience with hormone imbalances? What were your issues before taking action to balance them? How did you find out you had an imbalance? What did you do to get them balanced healthy i.e. eating, exercise, meds, more sleep? Did you notice a difference in how you felt, i.e. mood, energy levels, libidos etc etc. Just trying to get some peoples personal experiences with this. Thanks!!


  • Grimmerick
    Grimmerick Posts: 3,342 Member
    ok I know this is a pretty boring topic but somebody has to have some kind of experience or knowledge they can share
  • Jestinia
    Jestinia Posts: 1,153 Member
    It's not boring. It's just really complex. We run on hormones. I doubt there is a human being alive who hasn't had an imbalance, whether they knew it or not.

    I don't know if this will help you out, but I can tell you the birth control pill made me vicious and hungry. Which sure didn't help me get any of what I was taking it in order to get! And when my Mom started menopause, she pretty much took her doctor by the throat and told him he would be giving her hormone treatment or else. She made me on BC pills seem like a sweet, mild-tempered little thing.
  • knittnponder
    knittnponder Posts: 1,954 Member
    I don't have an official diagnosis or anything like that but I can tell you that using Maca powder in my smoothies a few times a month helps me immensely! When I was using it I felt much more even keeled, had milder cycles in EVERY way and let's just say my husband really likes the effect on my libido. ;) More detail on TOM: without Maca I spend at least one day on the couch wishing for death but with it things are so much less intense and I don't fear that I'm bleeding to death or that my uterus just fell out! I am far less emotional, less crazy appetite, other PMS symptoms are milder (like no sore boobs! yay!) and even the bloating is so much less. I have been out for the last two months and hadn't gotten around to getting more but after this last cycle I ordered some from Amazon before I forgot. It was horrible!

    There are warnings with it; don't take it every day for long period of time or it can raise your blood pressure and some other things. There are recommendations for how to take it. Also, if you're taking other hormone influencing stuff you should skip the Maca or it could mess things up and you'll end up worse off than when you started. Most of the cautions revolve around not doing one of those two things. If you decide to try it just start out slow and see how you feel. I've had no issues with it and I've struggled with high blood pressure in the past but I am careful not to take too much for too long and I don't do any other hormone stuff. No birth control pills, hormone pills, not even "natural" hormone creams or lotions.