Jimmy Kimmel's "What is Gluten"

Lleldiranne Posts: 5,516 Member
Please note, I put this in 'chit-chat, ' not nutrition or another topic. I just thought this was an amusing video clip. Apparently some people are willing to jump on a nutritional bandwagon without really knowing what it means.


(Yes, I know it's via huff post ... another reason for chit-chat section ... but the video is still amusing. Hope some people get a few chuckles)


  • maroonmango211
    maroonmango211 Posts: 908 Member
    I saw this the other day and almost died laughing. As someone who is in fact GF (other than anything my 89 year old grandmother makes cause well gotta respect) for health reasons and not weight loss it also made me sad that I may be grouped in with this pathetic group of fad followers because gluten free and not gluten free people alike seem to have no idea what they're talking about for the most part.
  • eric_sg61
    eric_sg61 Posts: 2,925 Member
    Yeah I posted that also and someone got all butthurt and called me dumb.......I cried and am still an emotional wreck over it
  • wildrose53
    wildrose53 Posts: 1,342 Member
    I'm totally Pro-Pizza!
  • zeal26
    zeal26 Posts: 602 Member
    I don't really care about people jumping on diets but it's become something to mock and lessens the dangers of gluten to people who are actually can't physically have it because of an intolerance or an autoimmune disorder.

    Someone close to me is a celiac and gets really upset at people dismissing people who are gluten free or just not willing to learn what gluten is. We often have waiters say things like ''wow you're super strict, I try to keep off gluten but wouldn't care about something like that!''. The attitude actually makes eating out scary because people don't seem to realize that yeah, the fact that there was a crouton in that salad means she can't eat it. Taking the crouton out won't help...
  • pitterpatti
    pitterpatti Posts: 33 Member
    I watched this last night and almost ended up dying laughing. I am recently gluten free due to a sensitivity test (test confirmed BTW), and I thought this was hilarious. I was diagnosed at a young age with food allergies, so I've been a label reader for my whole life. I don't understand how people can jump on a bandwagon without doing research. People amaze me.
  • BraveNewdGirl
    BraveNewdGirl Posts: 937 Member
    Awesome article and video! It's fairly silly that people are so eager to jump on a bandwagon without really understanding why they're doing what they're doing. Just because someone purports that certain eating habits are "better for you" doesn't mean you're absolved of doing your own research. Having an actual allergy and/or sensitivity certainly makes eating difficult enough without others muddying the waters because someone told them a particular combination of proteins "makes you fat".
  • Lleldiranne
    Lleldiranne Posts: 5,516 Member
    I'm not going to state where I stand on the whole gluten free thing ...

    But I do understand that there are people who genuinely get extremely ill when they have anything with gluten (I have an extended family member who can't eat potato salad if there's a risk the mayo used to make it had any bread crumbs). And it's sad when people make light of that condition and don't take it seriously because it's become a fad diet. (and like zeal26 said, it becomes something to mock :angry: )

    I also think people should know what it is they're eating or excluding. Those "um ... it's in bread?" answers make me laugh, but at the same time make me sad that people don't even know what it is.