Phentermine The Right Way



  • extremely11
    extremely11 Posts: 14 Member
    This topic literally doesn't have room to stable all these moral high horses. The OP is simply stating what they feel needs to be done to get the most out of a medication like phentermine and unfortunately several of you are using it to preach and spread misinformation. Anecdoctal stories based on personal experience are great but blanket generalizations or outright misinformation are another thing all together.

    Robin- Well you prefaced by stating it was just your opinion and that's totally cool. Even though you didn't say anything to indicate you have any familiarity with this prescribed medication I respect your view and share it in regards to many weightloss supplements.

    Redefiningmys- You seem confused. Phentermine is not illegal and is available in most countries although only be prescription ussually. Perhaps you are thinking of fenfluramine and phentermine? fenfluramine and phentermine was sold for awhile and removed from the market because it was linked to heart issues, it was discovered that the fenfluramine was responsible for this and phentermine w/o the fenfluramine is still available to obese patients. Additionally the common side effects of phentermine alone are not serious but may cause some to discontinue use. The rare but serious side effects on the other hand are very uncommon, not ussually lethal and not much different from many prescription drugs. That said I 100% agree with your last sentance, don't take medication recklessly.

    Lordofultima- I've already explained the reality of the side effects above so I won't repeat myself. You're right when you say nutrition and exercise are ultimately what matters in losing and keeping weight off but what you and many people seem to be forgetting is that this is a medication prescribed by a medical doctor to patients who are obese and in danger of facing more serious consequences if they cannot lose the weight. The person is supposed to use the suppressent for a short time while they turn a healthier lifestyle into a habit and then quit the drug.

    Luckyleprechan- You opinion is far from humble. You provided no insites based on either research or first person experience. Also you refer to the chemical as a poison, whether you meant it mephaphorically or literally you clearly don't understand the mechanisms behind it.

    dansu2000- I appreciate you providing your experience but some additional notes. If you were literally restricting your diet that much it's not a surprise you gained weight back. The idea is to take the medication for 1-3 months while you become accustomed to a healthier lifestyle, it does not appear the lifestyle you were developing on phentermine was sustainable. Ultimately though yes it is up the the person losing the weight to learn to eat right and exercise, phentermine will not do this for you. Also the jitteryness you described is a common side effect, lower dose pills have been developed which are slow release and much easier on patients.

    JDMPWR- **** you. I don't even know where to start with you...First off you just told every obese person to basically **** themselves and called medical obesity "bs" as though it weren't a real thing. Clearly your a moron but i'm going to discredit you further by pointing out that it is not speed. It is part of the phenethylamine class not the amphetamine class. Btw i'd like to point out that almost all ADD/ADHD drugs are part of the amphetamine class so you're basically just an idiot.

    People like you bring out my nasty side because you PRETEND that you can't fathom why other people don't lose weight "the old fashioned way" without a "magic pill". People like you do this all the time because you think it makes you look even better while you lord it over other people. I too lost a lot of weight (i'm a healthy 150 @ 5'8) by getting out more and eating right (no pills) and i've kept it off but I realize that not everyone is me and I don't need to lord it over others because my self esteem is so low. Some people need help and you're a brat and a bully.

    ahombs1676-Yes the bottom line is that it is up to the user to develop a healthy lifestyle while on the drug, your sister was doing it right.

    viridiana08-That's aweful :( Honestly this is one of the only fatal overdoses I've ever heard about. The abuse potential for phentermine is extremely low but not impossible, this is why in the USA and many other countries it is a controlled substance. However it is a sched iv controlled substance meaning it has a very low abuse potential like Xanex, valium or lunesta. Adderal for example is a sched II drug.

    That said we don't know anything else about your cousin, it's likely they were either hiding things from their doctor or taking the medication illegally. NEVER take phentermine if it isn't prescribed by your family/personal physician, many weightloss clinics prescribe and have no idea what they are doing.

    BOTTOM LINE FOR PHENTERMINE: It is a drug prescibed by a medical doctor because they feel it will help the patient lose weight. The common side effects are minimal in most cases and not life threatening, the serious side effects are rare and extremely uncommon. There are medications more commonly described with much more serious and common side effects. The drug is intended to do this: Lowers or stops the appetite in order to allow users to make eating decisions without the bias of desire. Users eat even though they are not hungry and gear their decisions based on nutrition. After several weeks the user begins to lower the amount of phentermine which is taken till they no longer take it. The user goes on to eat healthier food in better portions.
  • I have taken Phentermine on and off since 2007. I agree with the posts saying that there is a right way. While on it the first time, and after (my breaks have been 6 months - up to 3 years) i taught myself how to eat right. the first time i took it in 2007 i lost 35 lbs. the second time was in 2009, i lost another 50lbs. i gained about 20lbs back after i had surgery in 2012, got back on Phen, and lost it back in a month. i have kept all of it off by eating right and working out as much as possible. i hurt my foot about a month ago and gained 10lbs beacause i gain weight really fast if im not active. Im starting it again now to see how much more i can lose. Total was from 317 down to 223 (my lowest) I know thats not very low to some but im really tall. I would still ike to get another 30 off. hopefully this time. but the food i ate and the way I ate it back in 2007 is completely different. i am 30 now, so ill see if not being 23 anymore slows the weight losss down. :) I say plan a balanced diet and stick with it once you reach your goal and stop taking Phen. I count calories ALL THE TIME.
  • lucystacy71
    lucystacy71 Posts: 290 Member
    I am obese, but I am inching my way to just being overweight day by day. I have a lot of things working against me losing weight. I'm in kidney failure, and it's caused a lot of my other systems not to work as well. I don't digest food well. I can't drink much water. I suffer from anemia (not low iron, low red blood count). When I exercise, I can't filter the wastes produced by muscles because those are filtered by the kidneys. Instead I get these painful knots and cramps that bruise my legs and arms. I get even get those massaged because that increases blood flow - and that blood flows through the kidneys. I also have a connective tissue disease (Ehler's Danlos) that causes my joints to 'spontaneously dislocate' (I can sprain an ankle while standing still) and prevents my digestive track from pushing food through very well. I also get up to 1,000 calories just from my peritoneal dialsyis solution before I eat a single meal.

    Yet, despite all that I've managed to lose weight on my own. I'm not saying all diet aids are evil, but I was able to do it with a careful diet and exercise. I may be doing it slowly, but I'm getting healthier each day.
  • ClaudiaBette
    ClaudiaBette Posts: 38 Member
    Phentermine was the best thing that happened to me. However, I also changed my LIFESTYLE AND EATING HABITS. No longer do I eat portions enough to feed a small army nor do I abuse fast food and sweets. I also exercise regularly now since I’m actually able to move freely with less fat on me.

    Would I remain on Phentermine my whole life? Nope…in fact, I’ve been off the drug for months now and guess what…I still am losing! It depends on the person and how much of their life they really want to change.
  • Zumbacutie
    Zumbacutie Posts: 9 Member
    Phentermine has been one tool within my arsenal to finally conquer a lifelong struggle with obesity. I began using it back in July and lost about 21 lbs. After feeling as though I wasn't working as hard as I could to do all of the other "right" things for myself, like following my eating plan and exercising when I could, I felt it was time to come off of it.
    Yes, there are health risks and I felt that if I was going to use it, I should do it when I'm focused and utilizing the help but not letting it do all the work... only to gain all the weight back when I come off of the drug. So I quit taking it 5 weeks ago and focus on staying in ketosis and making the dietary changes a lifestyle. I am happy to say that over those 5 weeks, without the drug, I inched my way down another 10lbs.

    But one thing that some of the previous commenters do not take into consideration is that there are sometimes medical reasons that a person needs to lose weight rapidly in order to alleviate another problem. This is my case.
    So I am beginning another round to do just that.

    Does phentermine work? Absolutely!
    But it is not a miracle drug... it is a tool that helps to cut hunger so that you can stop being harrassed by crazy cravings and focus on developing a healthier lifestyle.
    At least, that's how I see it.
  • sovss_girl
    sovss_girl Posts: 5 Member
    I have a question. I am completing the requirements to have the gastric sleeve surgery done in about a month hopefully. my regular doctor is concerned because I haven't been able to lose any weight before my surgery and with as heavy as I am, she is afraid it will make my surgery harder. she wrote me a prescription for phentermine to see if in the next month, I can lose anything, even just 10 or 20 pounds. I want to know the right way to do this. i'm exercising as much as my body will let me but because of my weight, i'm too big to do too much. I walk as much as I can, but i'm only able to walk about 30 minutes a day, off an on all day because I swell in my feet and legs and its hard to walk. i'm drinking a lot of water, probably more than im supposed to. that's all I drink. I quit sodas, I need any suggestions I can get because I want to make this next month of taking the phentermine before my surgery, to count. I want my sugery to be successful and not risking my life. I have 3 kids and a husband to live for but I have myself to live for too. thanks
  • navyrigger46
    navyrigger46 Posts: 1,301 Member
    I have a question. I am completing the requirements to have the gastric sleeve surgery done in about a month hopefully. my regular doctor is concerned because I haven't been able to lose any weight before my surgery and with as heavy as I am, she is afraid it will make my surgery harder. she wrote me a prescription for phentermine to see if in the next month, I can lose anything, even just 10 or 20 pounds. I want to know the right way to do this. i'm exercising as much as my body will let me but because of my weight, i'm too big to do too much. I walk as much as I can, but i'm only able to walk about 30 minutes a day, off an on all day because I swell in my feet and legs and its hard to walk. i'm drinking a lot of water, probably more than im supposed to. that's all I drink. I quit sodas, I need any suggestions I can get because I want to make this next month of taking the phentermine before my surgery, to count. I want my sugery to be successful and not risking my life. I have 3 kids and a husband to live for but I have myself to live for too. thanks

    Honestly, Maintain a calorie deficit, that's really all that's needed, and for what it's worth, that stuff is dangerous, I wouldn't take it even if my doctor recommended it.

  • scubabum9
    scubabum9 Posts: 11 Member
    Your doctor, is the only one in this discussion, that has a medical degree. If she/he thinks it would help, why not?
  • Junebuggyzy
    Junebuggyzy Posts: 345 Member
    Your doctor, is the only one in this discussion, that has a medical degree. If she/he thinks it would help, why not?

    Hey Scuba, don't even bother talking about it in these forums. If you are interested, you can message me for where you can discuss it freely.
  • scubabum9
    scubabum9 Posts: 11 Member
    Your doctor, is the only one in this discussion, that has a medical degree. If she/he thinks it would help, why not?

    Hey Scuba, don't even bother talking about it in these forums. If you are interested, you can message me for where you can discuss it freely.

    Thanks! Just sent you a message!
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