I get a lot of girls, let me tell you guys something

kneega Posts: 51 Member
I have been gifted with good genes and it's meant I've never suffered with self-confidence issues.

I know I look good and I know I'm very popular because of the way I look. I've never been knocked back by a girl - they just seem to throw themselves at me. I don't even have to have a good personality or be a nice person. It's my looks that reels them in - but I am a gentleman when it comes to relationships. Sometimes I'm out and I just want to have a quiet night and I'll be hounded by women grabbing my bum. I can't really complain but it does get tiring. Past girlfriends have been really jealous of the female attention I get. There have even been Facebook spats between girls who want to be with me - it's crazy. I've had my wild days in the past, but the last few years I've been in long term relationships. I'm not the type to have five or six girls on the go at a time, I've been brought up properly.

I'm constantly looking after the way I look and my hair and skin are always perfect. I cleanse and moisturise obsessively to keep my youthful radiance and I wear a support band around my middle before a fitness competition to improve my posture. I make sure I've always got a tan and I like my teeth to be gleaming white. If someone's got a really glowing smile you're immediately drawn to it and they look really radiant. There is no excuse for bad skin or hair. I have regular facials and professional shaves to keep my face silky smooth. I've got the face and I know I've got nice eyes. I don't have any negative features to be honest.

I think plastic surgery is only required if you are struggling to get results. I'm more than happy with my face and body and I don't think surgery would make me look any better. If I wasn't 100 per cent happy with my look I'd maybe consider it, but when you look like I do naturally then it's money and risk that is unnecessary.

My whole life and career is based around my looks - whether that be stripping, modeling or working as a personal trainer. I have to look good for the audience and my clients. I'm a walking advertisement for my services and my appearance and how I hold myself is very important. My friends call me Thor - after the Norse god - and I've also been compared to Brad Pitt and Chris Hemsworth. I definitely think I'm up there with them when it comes to looks. I have regular facials and professional shaves to keep my face silky smooth. I know I make money and get business based on my looks, but I'd be mad not to take advantage of being so attractive.

I get jealousy and people trying to bring me down but I just don't react to it - it's just part and parcel of being this good looking. But If I saw another me - I'd probably get jealous.