Battle with Resistance

Hello Everyone,

I'm puck_u and wanted to introduce myself to the MFP community. I am a 26 year old living in San Jose. I have been on this journey since February 2013 and am slowly but surely making the necessary changes in my life (with the help of my wonderful husband).

I am going to get a bit deep with my weight issues but it is very therapeutic for me.

I have been reading this book called “The War of Art” by Steven Pressfield and he talks about this entity called Resistance and how it can mess up your life. He states that: “The more important a call or action is to our soul’s evolution, the more Resistance we will feel toward pursuing it” and “Resistance has no strength of its own. Every ounce of juice it possess comes from us. We feed it with power by our fear of it. Master that fear and we conquer Resistance.”

I have been at war with Resistance over my weight loss journey but I finally feel that I am winning some battles by using MFP. (I'm on a 14 day streak!)

I would love to support YOU in your battle against Resistance! And I would love some support through my own battle.

We can ALL do this!



  • wigwal
    wigwal Posts: 14
    Your message really resonated with me, keep fighting the good fight!