Sabotaged Myself

I am only into my atkins for about 3 weeks. My weightloss stalled this week and I couldn't for the life of me think why. I weigh all my foods, I don't cheat, if I go over my limit I adjust the following day.

To cope with thirst I have taken to adding a fizzy multivitamin to a two litre bottle of water. I was advised that this may be too much vitamins so I started drinking coffee. At work we have some of that 1 cal instant coffee mix so I drank that. A lot of that.

But recently they changed the coffee we get and I have just found out that I have been drinking 50 cal 9 grams of carb instant crap at up to ten cups a day for maybe the last 8 to 10 days!

My calorie targets blown out the window and my carbs over 100 mg per day!

Why didn't I read the label? Because I am in Korea and all the labelling is in Hangul and I can't understand a thing.

Am mortified.

Guess I need start all over again.:frown: :frown:


  • jdad1
    jdad1 Posts: 1,899 Member
    is there a medical reason you are restricting your carbs? If not then don't, just stay within your daily goals.
    And starting over again is what we all do everyday. The people that succedd have to start over a million times it's those that don't that fail.
  • thisonewillwork
    thisonewillwork Posts: 74 Member
    Quote [Starting over again is what we all do everyday. The people that succeed have to start over a million times it's those that don't that fail.] Quote

    Well said. :bigsmile:
  • terbusha
    terbusha Posts: 1,483 Member
    I agree with what was already said. There is no reason to restrict your carbs to excessively low amounts. I dropped 64lbs eating ~135g carbs/day (doing a 50% protein, 30% carb, 20% fat nutritional plan). Your body needs fuel to run efficiently. Restricting carbs to almost nothing won't work long term because it is not sustainable. The key is to find a healthy diet that you can maintain (with tweaking) long term.

  • BoxerBrawler
    BoxerBrawler Posts: 2,032 Member
    I agree with what was already said. There is no reason to restrict your carbs to excessively low amounts. I dropped 64lbs eating ~135g carbs/day (doing a 50% protein, 30% carb, 20% fat nutritional plan). Your body needs fuel to run efficiently. Restricting carbs to almost nothing won't work long term because it is not sustainable. The key is to find a healthy diet that you can maintain (with tweaking) long term.


    Exactly, it is not sustainable. You might be able to restrict or even eliminate your carbs for a short while but sooner or later you'll have to go back to them. I know a lot of folks who have done this and end up carb binging for days as a result of Atkins. I go with a moderately low carb nutrition plan and try to get most of them from my veggies and fruits and even low carb breads and snacks. It appears to have worked for me in the long run and my body functions well. Everyone is different. I tried the no carb thing and last about three weeks. I was never a sweets person until I eliminated carbs, then I couldn't get enough!
  • amirite333
    amirite333 Posts: 9
    Initially I also thought it would not be sustainable longer term. However, with summer early here and the heaps of great veggies ( celery cherry tomatoes salad greens etc) available I think it will be eminently acheivable over the summer to late fall at least. I don't have a sweet tooth so never ate confections. Dropping breads and rice was easier than I thought so I decided to go one step further and restrict carbs to 20mg per day ( until the damn coffee incident) So I kinda migrated to Atkins type diet almost subconsciously.
  • GreatDepression
    GreatDepression Posts: 347 Member
    She's doing super low carb because she's in the induction phase of Atkins.