heeeeeeeeellllllpppp :(((((

morning all..

I need some help please.. I have been a rubbish dieter cutting calories to excess and having success at losing weight through this and then as soon as I eat I put lbs on ..I couldn't work out why everyone else could eat normally and lose weight and I only ate one meal and put on so much weight. in the last year my weight has crept up by a stone so I decided to really try and work on this properly.. so I need help please.. I have joined a gym and go 5 days a week I mix cardio with strength training and some days because my daughter joined too I go twice I am trying to eat properly around 1300 calories a day and I whilst I have only been doing this for about a week and a half I have put on 2lbs on top of the stone in the last year that I have put on.. .. I really need some constructive advice .. I have measured myself and I know it takes time but I would have thought with the amount of exercise I'm doing I would see some kind of results I burn off at least 300 calories a day on cardio plus the strength training i do. I am drinking at least 2 liters of water a day ... am I destined to be like this forever am I just this size and that's it.. I am 45 5ft 4 .. so was wondering if this is it now.. I would like to lose a stone .. (by tomorrow if anybody can arrange this lol)

I dont want to sound pathetic but its really getting to me and hubby doesn't understand so wondering if any of you lovely people can talk some sense to me and help

Thank you so much in advance



  • SuperC_85
    SuperC_85 Posts: 393
    Slow and steady wins the race :smile:

    Weight loss is not linear, it takes some time.
    Also with all the new exercise you are doing you can bet that weight gain is water weight.
    Whenever I start exercising (weight training) I gain about 2 kilograms and that stays on for about 6 weeks.

    As long as you are measuring your calories correctly and logging everything you will see results.

    Just keep at it, you didnt gain the weight overnight, you will not lose it overnight.

    Good luck:smile:
  • yarwell
    yarwell Posts: 10,477 Member
    Vigorous exercise 3 times a week with rest in between is usually adequate, unless you're lying in bed the rest of the time.

    Your diary is closed and you didn't say what your current weight is......

    Have you had your blood sugar, thyroid, etc checked. Any menopause symptoms ?
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    you only want to lose 6lb, so set MFP to lose 0.5lb per week. concentrate on mainly resistance/strength training, with a bit of cardio if you enjoy it.

    focus on losing bodyfat - 'toning up' - rather than scale weight.