Crohn's & Colitis Suffer; support system blog

I'm 27 and have had Crohn's Disease for 10 years and was recently diagnosed with Collagenous Colitis. I eat strictly gluten free (1 year) and dairy free (2 years) and I definitely know when I've eaten something that I shouldn't have, whether knowing or unknowingly. I've always struggled with my weight, and now it's more important for me than ever to lose weight to be healthy (for my GI diseases and the rest of my body) and happy with myself, physically and mentally and my life.
I'm looking for other people who might be in a similar boat that I am and can share their strategies for weight loss, low residue diets and coping mechanisms with dealing with these condition(s). I recognize that this is going to be yet another major lifestyle change for me dietarily, so any and all support that we can offer eachother would be amazing.


  • WorkInProgress323
    Hi Sarah,

    I do not have Crohn's but have been diagnosed with Lymphocytic Colitis which is similar to Collagenous. Life has been anything but fun that's for darn sure. There is a forum dedicated strictly to Collagenous and Lymphocytic and I believe they discuss others as well. If you're interested, I will email you the link.

    I have been gluten free on and off which does no good so since May 1st I am completely gluten free (one week yesterday).

    I haven't gone dairy free but I don't notice any problems when eating dairy. I do limit my fiber so I juice my fruits and veggies to make sure I am getting proper nutrients.

    I don't have any problems losing weight when I put my mind to it. I have approx 40 lbs to lose and giving up the gluten will definitely help since I won't be indulging in cakes and cookies, my downfall.

    Hope you get the relief you need. :flowerforyou:
  • Sarahdipity7
    Sarahdipity7 Posts: 10 Member
    Hi WorkInProgress323,
    Thank you for responding to my post. I am definitely interested in the forum you have mentioned! If you could send me a link, that would be fantastic! I think that realistically I need to lose about 50 pounds, but for the recommended height and weight for my age, I should lose 75 pounds (which seems like an awful lot!), so I'm going to start out and just go with it, see where I get without putting too much pressure on myself. Are the symptoms of Lymphocitic similar to those of Collagenous? It has no been fun at all and I have just started my second round of steroids (3months on, 1.5 months off, and now back on again).

    Congratulations on your GF milestone! I feel so incredibly terrible when I eat gluten that I can tell almost immediately after I have finished eating. It only gets easier being GF!! I've learned that the pain is NOT at all worth eating even a tiny bit of gluten!!! Do you have the same symptoms; bloating, cramping, gas and the like? It's amazing how much better I felt once I gave it up. I'm glad that you don't have any known issues with eating dairy, I miss getting ice cream every now and then. I have been dairy free for so long now that I'm completely uninterested in cheese or milk.

    I think my problem with weight loss is that I always made excuses, reasons not to lose weight; "my crohn's is so sensitive," "I'm already so restricted with my diet, I can't make it worse," and so on. But now, I'm starting to see that this is necessary for my happiness.

    Thank you again, I look forward to hearing from you!! I hope you're well!!
  • WorkInProgress323
    My main symptoms are major bloating and cramping. I have learned not to wear clothes that button, just stretch pants. Fortunately I found dressy ones and NY & Co for work. On the days I feel confident, I wear my jeans but am prepared with a large sweater just in case the bloat begins and I have to undo my pants... It really sucks.

    I have become accustomed to not eating bread or pasta within the last year or so. Burgers taste better! 2-3 times a month I will get my gluten free spaghetti parm from my favorite restaurant.

    It really hasn't been difficult being gluten free other than the sweets I mentioned but I definitely do not need them!!

    I feel for you having Crohn's as well, unfortunately I am not educated with the symptoms of Crohn's.

    As for weight loss, who doesn't use excuses? My weight gain has nothing to do with my colitis. I was always thin/fit, until my early 40's when I decided the make Ben & Jerry my best friend. I always wonder if I can sue them :wink:
  • Sarahdipity7
    Sarahdipity7 Posts: 10 Member
    The symptoms of Chron's are very similar to those of Colitis, that's why I was surprised with my recent diagnosis of Collagenous Colitis, I had just assumed all along that it was my Crohn's that was bothersome. Since my diagnosis and the research of the disease that I have done, my symptoms make 100% sense, as all of my symptoms are that of CC. Fortunately, my doctor told me that my Crohn's looks fantastic, now its time to take care of the CC.

    So far, the biggest thing that I can tell is that I will have to eat a Low Residue diet, which will have to become my lifestyle, is that the kind of diet you have been following? I completely understand what you have said about cramping and bloating, I wear jeans every day at work, unfortunately though, I suffer from frequent cramping and bloating. I tend to wear flowing cardigans to help hide my bloating and God forbid if I need to unbutton my pants because of it. I will have to look at NY& Co for comfortable dressy pants!

    It's true, excuses are easier to come up with sometimes rather than making the changes necessary. My weight probably has some to do with my Crohn's but simply because I was only eating what I thought didn't bother me.

    The last 2 days I have been on the Entocort, and it's already made such a big difference. I've been eating a Low Residue Diet, and have been feeling pretty decently, now its the strength to maintain it!!!