Murdering hunger

Hey, I just signed up here... My name's Adam, from PA, I'm just under 40, 5'11, 238 lbs (belly only), and I have a totally sitting job - IT specialist, by my computer from 7 till 5:30, plus almost 1 hour driving one way...

Plus, I love food and it's hard for me to stop before getting really full. The foods I love most include fast foods - especially Popeye's, McDonalds and pizzas...

Veggies and fruits don't have to exist for me. I can eat them though. Sometimes :-)

I did Atkins for several weeks a few times in recent years, first 10-15 lbs were fast, then... I stalled.. my mood went bad... and I got back my normal style of life.

Right now I'm thinking about starting with a low carb again, maybe 2-4 weeks, and then just - SOMEHOW - get on smaller amounts of food.

I know pretty much about nutrition and I believe I would achieve my goals... especially on a lonely island, with no restaurants and grocery stores :-)

My question is about hunger suppressants - both chemical (pills) and 'natural', like water or some veggies.

I'm scared that my mood will go bad again really soon after I reduce the size of my meals and I'll end up with a whole pizza pie again...

Any help would be appreciated! Thank you!

- Adam


  • Jestinia
    Jestinia Posts: 1,153 Member
    The problem with doing Atkins for only a few weeks is that you'll get the worst of it as far as feeling bad while your body adapts, then you will quit just as you fully adapt and start feeling good again. I didn't feel my best on low carb until I was in ketosis for a couple of months.

    Have you tried just logging everything you eat for a week or two, then seeing what you have to work with? Maybe you could cut down on certain things first or cut out certain things (first thing I cut out was soda before I ever tried low carb and for awhile I lost weight just doing things like that). Then if it doesn't work or you stall out you could change something else up like carbs.

    All low carb does is reduce hunger. And for me it did that, and I was on it a long time, and honestly, if it weren't for the cost of high quality meat, I still would be. But it's not something to do, then stop and maybe you quit because you aren't someone who does well on it.
  • ew_david
    ew_david Posts: 3,473 Member
    You don't need pills. They don't do anything anyway.

    You don't need a special diet either (unless you have medical issues). Reasonable calorie deficit, some exercise, and a lot of patience will get you where you want to be.
  • Capt_Apollo
    Capt_Apollo Posts: 9,026 Member
    my favorite hunger suppressants are water, coffee, food, and willpower.

    you're just starting, and making huge drastic changes are the quickest way to find yourself falling back on old habits.

    i used to be able to destroy a whole pizza pie, but instead of ordering a whole pie, i'd order two slices of chicken and peppers pizza. get some extra protein and veggies on there.
  • beachgod
    beachgod Posts: 567 Member
    My question is about hunger suppressants - both chemical (pills)
    and 'natural', like water or some veggies.

    Buy a digital food scale and weigh everything. Also read up on how to set your macro goals. There are tons of good threads on MFP about TDEE, macros, etc.
  • auddii
    auddii Posts: 15,357 Member
    If cutting carbs didn't work well last time, I wouldn't suggest trying again, especially if you see it as a temporary diet to lose weight. If you want to eat carbs once you weigh less, you should eat carbs as you lose too. Also, carbs increase serotonin levels naturally, which is what antidepressants do, so it's not surprising if you mood changed after cutting them.

    Just eat at a moderate deficit, and eat the foods that you want that keep you filled up. Many people find protein more filling, so make sure you are getting enough protein, and while you may not love veggies, they are good way of giving your more food volume (making you feel full) for fewer calories. There are all sorts of different ways to cook veggies, but I personally LOVE roasting them. If I'm super hungry and have no other options, I may eat steamed veggies, but they are pretty horrid. Find what you like; don't force yourself to eat something you hate (but don't be afraid to try new things either).

    These are good starting points:
  • nephalime
    nephalime Posts: 22 Member
    I don 't know if you like soup, but it helps to fight hunger since there's a lot of liquid in it and it fills your stomach giving you the impression you're full without the extra calories.
  • doodlecakes_07
    doodlecakes_07 Posts: 69 Member
    Instead of focusing on cutting out foods, or lowering macronutrients (carbs/fats/proteins), just try to start eating more healthy food. Small changes over time will lead you to longer lasting success. If you really want to lose weight and keep it off, you'll have to make a lifestyle change, not go on a diet.

    Just start logging your food, then incorporate more fruits, veggies, lean protein, and healthy carbs. Roast your veggies in olive or coconut oil, it's healthier than fries and will get you used to vegetables. Start slowly and diligently, with your end goal in mind.
  • TwinsRaGift
    TwinsRaGift Posts: 37 Member
    I am a mental health counselor and after reading this my initial thought was that you may be substituting food for the "feel good" chemicals your body may not be producing properly on it's own. I usually recomend some sort of vitamin like Sam-e to help regulate mood while your body adjusts. There is a lot of information out there about how we use food to treat low levels of dopamine and seratonin. Good luck!
  • jenlovv
    jenlovv Posts: 14 Member
    Well... for me... I have one of those blenders (like a Ninja or Nutribullet) that I blend lots of smoothies to calm my cravings while I'm sitting at work. That way, I can just sip on it throughout the day and I feel like I'm eating all the time which makes me happy :). I also make soy shakes sometimes at the end of the day as my indulgent dessert and that takes the edge off for the evening. Also, a bottle or two of water before or after a meal helps me feel really full (sometimes to the point of being bloated so I have no desire to eat anymore). One of my hardest times is when I get home in the evening after work and I feel like I'm starving, so I will eat my dinner (usually a salad or something that would seem not so satisfying) and then I will have a serving of dark chocolate (80%ish cocoa). I'll nibble on it for a long while and, by the time I'm done, I feel full and satisfied. Another trick is finding foods that fill you up really well and that will come with some experimentation. I'm a vegetarian and stumbled on a recipe online for black bean quinoa burgers and gave it a try. They are surprisingly very filling and make really good burgers if you're sick of eating nothing but veggies and salads. In other words, just try some new foods and recipes to see if something satisfies you more than others and keep track of it. Also know that you will get used to the hunger feelings and become more capable of ignoring them if you work hard at it. They will eventually subside and you'll find yourself getting fuller faster. I hope you find some morsel of decent information in this post.
    Stick with it and best of luck!
  • 0somuchbetter0
    0somuchbetter0 Posts: 1,335 Member
    If I were in your place I'd start with small steps. Like Jestinia said, log everything you eat normally for a couple of weeks and then study the numbers and see what you can cut reasonably. In my experience anything too drastic will surely lead to failure. Take it slowly and be patient.

    Fast food places have the calories listed on the menus now, don't they? Next time pick something that has fewer calories. Get the medium fries instead of the large, the grilled option instead of the breaded and fried...that kind of thing.

    Make a list of fruit and veggies you like. Don't bother with those you don't -- no point in suffering. I keep baby carrots, mini cucumbers, and grape tomatoes at my desk. I try not to overdo the fruit because of the sugar content, but they taste better and are more filling than vegs imo. Some of my favorites are clementines, apples, grapes, and strawberries. Munch on those at work before you hit the drive-thru for lunch or dinner. You'll be less hungry and more likely to make better choices.

    You didn't mention if you drink sodas or other sugary drinks. It's amazing how the liquid calories add up. If that's an issue, switch to diet sodas and artificial sweeteners if you can. Water, water, and more water.

    Exercise if you can -- it doesn't have to be extreme, but burning a few extra calories by, say, taking a brisk walk for 30 minutes, will give you a few more calories to eat so you don't feel super hungry.

    That's all I've got for now. Good luck and be patient!
  • KatDJZ
    KatDJZ Posts: 224 Member
    I know a lot of people don't like the pills and either worry about them being unhealthy or consider them "cheating" but I am a lot like you and have trouble controlling my food intake and generally feel the need to keep eating until I'm stuffed. But my sister started taking Phentramin-D and it worked great for her so I started taking them too, and I love them. It just seems to help me not feel hungry all the time and it has gotten easier to resist food throughout the day. Makes me pee like crazy though! TMI...sorry :P
  • itodd4019
    itodd4019 Posts: 340 Member
    Green tea

    Chewing gum

    earning extra cals to eat = exercise

    Another good one is sunflower seeds. 150 cals for a bag, and they last a long time. Yeah, there's a little sodium thqat can cause a touch of water retention, but NOTHING like Popey's chicken eh!

    And lastly- knowing you are going to have to get used to feeling hunger. Accepting it makes it alot more tolerable. Don't fight.

    When you are "empty" feel it! The feeling passes pretty quickly once you accept it, and a sence of power and control comes!
  • GBrady43068
    GBrady43068 Posts: 1,256 Member
    I thought this was about hungering for murder..I'm in the wrong thread.

  • 0somuchbetter0
    0somuchbetter0 Posts: 1,335 Member
    I know a lot of people don't like the pills and either worry about them being unhealthy or consider them "cheating" but I am a lot like you and have trouble controlling my food intake and generally feel the need to keep eating until I'm stuffed. But my sister started taking Phentramin-D and it worked great for her so I started taking them too, and I love them. It just seems to help me not feel hungry all the time and it has gotten easier to resist food throughout the day. Makes me pee like crazy though! TMI...sorry :P

    You can train your brain and your stomach to stop eating before getting to that stuffed point. It just takes time and consistency. I don't recommend using drugs to do it. You can't take Phentramin-D for the rest of your life, so when you stop taking it you'll go back to your old ways.
  • perseverance14
    perseverance14 Posts: 1,364 Member
    Lower the carbs, eat more protein...that helps.
  • predi22
    predi22 Posts: 8
    Reasonable calorie deficit, some exercise, and a lot of patience will get you where you want to be.
    Patience... can I get on Ebay? :-) I have problems with it! Thanks :)
  • predi22
    predi22 Posts: 8
    I don 't know if you like soup, but it helps to fight hunger since there's a lot of liquid in it and it fills your stomach giving you the impression you're full without the extra calories.

    I love soup, but my soups come with lots of potatoes and cream :-)
  • StephIntrepid
    StephIntrepid Posts: 34 Member
    I say keep your diary honest and current. As delicious as they are, no one wants to write that they had two quarter pounders from Mcdonald's in their diary. And if you end up having to write that you had two quarter pounders, it will only happen once. Stuff your face with lots of veggies. No one likes feeling hungry, an I'm no exception. I drink loads of water and tea, and yesterday, I made a taco salad of sorts:

    2 cups chopped lettuce/romaine/whatever lettuce you want (2 cups is a lot!)
    1/2 chopped red bell pepper
    2 tablespoons sour cream
    1 tablespoon salsa (I mixed the salsa with the sour cream)
    100 grams of cooked ground chicken which had been seasoned with cumin, salt and pepper
    ...and I also like a dallop of hummus on my salads (I doubted that this salad would fill me up, so I added hummus...I probably didn't need it)

    Anyways, the whole salad was around 260 calories and it murdered my hunger.

    You don't have to starve or be hungry, I promise. I loooove food. You should too.
  • aylajane
    aylajane Posts: 979 Member
    I have a very sedentary job as well - was sitting 10 hours a day, and couldnt walk to my car when I finally stood up.

    Now I go to the farthest bathroom there is (drink water or tea, which will need to make you pee a lot more! :) ) and more often than i really need to. I had to set an alarm on my phone for the first few weeks to remind me to get up every hour or two and walk to the bathroom.

    After that got too easy, I started taking 2-4 "mental health" breaks a day :) where I walk around in a circle (we have a weird building where it actually works) for about 10 to 15 minutes a few times a day. If I am really busy, I even put them on my calendar so it reminds me and all.

    Dont let your job dictate that you dont "exercise" - drop your pen on the floor a few times a day and slowly squat down to pick it up. Get two 16oz water bottles and use them for bicep curls while reading emails (or bring in hand weights if you are in a fairly private area). And even if you cant really go for a walk, they cant stop you from going to the bathroom! I even sometimes do pushups or other stretches while I am in the bathroom :) You can even do squats over the toilet if desperate.

    Change your posture when you do sit so your back is completely against the chair and sit up very straight (works back and core), pinch your shoulders back a few times a day.

    THere is even a series on youtube about office cubical exercises (its a mini soap opera too :) ) - look it up!

    Find a way!
  • Pamela_in_Progress
    Pamela_in_Progress Posts: 197 Member
    You can eat all the foods you currently eat but in smaller quantities. It's a learning experience. Get a food scale and log everything. Make small changes, you don't have to change everything at once. Incorporate new, healthier foods (fruits, veggies, protein, healthy fats) into your existing diet. Move more. Even if you're just marching while watching tv (I recommend NerdFitness body weight workouts). Never underestimate the power of walking. Walking is great exercise, especially when you're just starting out. Set small goals for yourself along the way. As you will hear over and over again, this is a life-style change, and the road to good health has no finish line. Good luck on your journey.

    PS - A great tip from many others on MFP... each morning pre-log what you'll be eating for the day, then there's no guess work and no disappointments when you log at the end of the day and realize you've gone over your calories. Hope this helps! :smile: