Snack Ideas

I need some good snack ideas to help with weight loss. I am not doing any of the diet yoghurt or anything because i need the extra protein/fat to keep me full, plus I can't tolerate the artificial sugars.


  • Jestinia
    Jestinia Posts: 1,153 Member
    Personal opinion: If you're going to snack at all, eat boiled eggs. They can cut appetite for hours. Works for me, anyway.
  • SnuggleSmacks
    SnuggleSmacks Posts: 3,731 Member
    Veggies like baby carrots and sugar snap peas dipped in hummus, preferably black bean or lentil hummus (fewer calories, more protein)
  • yopeeps025
    yopeeps025 Posts: 8,680 Member
    fruits, celery, are my favorite snack. If my protein intake is a little low then a protein shake as a snack.
  • RebeccaP1972
    RebeccaP1972 Posts: 101 Member
    Bump for ideas
  • AZnewme
    AZnewme Posts: 228 Member
    @ SnuggleSmacks Do you make the black bean hummus? I think that's a great idea - recipe?
  • MrsATrotta
    MrsATrotta Posts: 278 Member
    I LOVE snacking., my snacking rules are the same as my diet rules in general. Watch portion sizes, anything is ok in moderation, I liked the person that suggested the hard boiled eggs, I also snack on 100 calorie packs of things so I don't have to dole out the appropriate amount. I snack on low sodium cheese sticks (sargento is the best). Other times if I feel I need a snack but I know it's too close to a meal I just chug a bottle of water and it seems to help.I've also found since I'm not a morning eater and I now try not to eat late at night (after 730-8pm) I don't eat as much so most of my big snacking goes to the wayside if I control that night time snacking.
  • Aeramis13
    Aeramis13 Posts: 135 Member
    -cheese sticks (like string cheese, but not stringy. the colby jack sticks from Aldi's are my favorite)
    -pudding cups
    -jilly's sugar free jello cups (obviously artificial sweeteners, but you can't beat getting a sweet snack for 5 calories if you're on a day where you need the calories for other things)
    Kellogg's single package rice krispie treats
    -anything from! (you can't join w/o a referral code. mine happens to be QPCNH1HWP. note that by using this code you are giving me $1 towards a Graze box. full disclosure and all that.)
    -tuna pouches (i get these from Aldi's also. cheap, easy to carry around, don't need anything to add to be delicious, great protein kick)
  • happynunn
    happynunn Posts: 13 Member
    I'm a bit of a 'grazer' 'snacker' ,find i tolerate it more than bigger meals. Fruit is always easy , a small spoon of good peanut butter can the trick, I like seeds and raisins and nuts, babybel light, olives, cherry tomatoes ..I eat like sweeties lol. A cucumber dip made with 0% greek natural yogurt a tsp mint sauce or light mayo and chopped cucumber with breadsticks/rice cakes/small pitta. Hard boiled egg with cress ,The list is endless but i always aim to be 100 - 150 calories . I let my body dictate what it fancies sweet or savoury. :))
  • lemonsnowdrop
    lemonsnowdrop Posts: 1,298 Member
    Nature's Own honey wheat 40 calories a slice bread (toasted) + two tablespoons of PB2 = 85 calorie yummy snack. If you have extra calories, use regular peanut butter if you want.

    Also, fudgesicles are my go to summer snack. 40 calories a pop!
  • Zoe_lifts
    Zoe_lifts Posts: 120 Member
    Best snack ever: Greek yoghurt with a good tablespoon of honey and topped with some blueberries !
    If you like sweet things then this is for you :)
  • kaaaaylee
    kaaaaylee Posts: 398
    carrot sticks and hummus.
  • alexuh
    alexuh Posts: 108 Member
    Quest bars!!!! 21g of protein, only a mesely 190 calories and they FILL you UP! Oh, and it tastes like a dessert. Always a plus. :drinker: I recommend Choc Chip Cookie Dough/White Choc Raspberry. They're an absolute godsend IMO, I just wish I didn't have to get them shipped from the US. But it's worth it for my babies. :bigsmile:
  • MissLeelooDallas
    MissLeelooDallas Posts: 145 Member
    I second the hard-boiled eggs idea. I only eat the egg whites though. Super protein burst to keep me feeling full and very low calories. I also like things like baby carrots, Luna bars (Mmm.. Nuts over Chocolate..), non-fat cottage cheese is another tasty one.
  • DrJenO
    DrJenO Posts: 404 Member
    Greek yogurt w/ fruit, walnuts, and oats

    Peanut butter or almond butter with apples and/or celery

    Ditto on the hard boiled eggs. You can make a bit of egg salad by chopping them up and mixing with a skosh of mayo and/or greek yogurt (plain), some salt and pepper.

    Cottage cheese with fruit, either peaches or 1/3-1/2 banana w/ peanut butter

    My snacks are a little higher in calories, 100-300 usually, b/c I like eating smaller, more frequent meals.
  • michellepodnar
    michellepodnar Posts: 3 Member
    thanks everyone for the idea.
  • NotASoul
    NotASoul Posts: 25 Member
    Breadsticks, fruit, popcorn, rice cakes (particularly good)... can't think of anything else right now